
Newton C. A. da Costa

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22EENewton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria, E. Bir: On the metamathematics of the P vs. NP question. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(2): 1223-1240 (2007)
21EENewton C. A. da Costa, Décio Krause: Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory. Logic Journal of the IGPL 15(5-6): 421-431 (2007)
20EENewton C. A. da Costa, Alexandre A. M. Rodrigues: Definability and Invariance. Studia Logica 86(1): 1-30 (2007)
19EEOtávio A. S. Bueno, Newton C. A. da Costa: Quasi-truth, paraconsistency, and the foundations of science. Synthese 154(3): 383-399 (2007)
18EENewton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: Addendum to "Consequences of an exotic formulation for P. Applied Mathematics and Computation 172(2): 1364-1367 (2006)
17EENewton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: Some thoughts on hypercomputation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 178(1): 83-92 (2006)
16EENewton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: On the existence of certain total recursive functions in nontrivial axiom systems, I CoRR cmp-lg/9804005: (1998)
15 Newton C. A. da Costa, Décio Krause: An Intenstional Schrödinger Logic. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38(2): 179-194 (1997)
14 Newton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: H-Computation (Abstract). SBIA 1996: 238
13EENewton C. A. da Costa, Jean-Yves Béziau, Otávio A. S. Bueno: Aspects of Paraconsistent Logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL 3(4): 597-614 (1995)
12 Newton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: On Jaskowski's discussive logic. Studia Logica 54(1): 33-60 (1995)
11 Newton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: Undecidability, incompleteness and the Arnol'd problems. Studia Logica 55(1): 23-32 (1995)
10 Newton C. A. da Costa, Décio Krause: Schrödinger logics. Studia Logica 53(4): 533-550 (1994)
9 Newton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria: On Arnold's Hilbert Symposium Problems. Kurt Gödel Colloquium 1993: 152-158
8 James J. Lu, Lawrence J. Henschen, V. S. Subrahmanian, Newton C. A. da Costa: Reasoning in Paraconsistent Logics. Automated Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe 1991: 181-210
7EENewton C. A. da Costa, Francisco A. Doria, N. Papavero: Meinong's Theory of Objects and Hilbert's epsilon-Symbol. Reports on Mathematical Logic 25: (1991)
6 Newton C. A. da Costa, Lawrence J. Henschen, James J. Lu, V. S. Subrahmanian: Automatic Theorem Proving in Paraconsistent Logics: Theory and Implementation. CADE 1990: 72-86
5 Irene F. Mikenberg, Newton C. A. da Costa, Rolando Chuaqui: Pragmatic Truth and Approximation to Truth. J. Symb. Log. 51(1): 201-221 (1986)
4 Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chuaqui, Newton C. A. da Costa, Carlos A. Di Prisco: Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Caracas, Venezuela, 1983. J. Symb. Log. 49(4): 1430-1440 (1984)
3 Ayda I. Arruda, Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chuaqui, Newton C. A. da Costa: Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Bogota, Colombia, 1981. J. Symb. Log. 48(3): 884-892 (1983)
2 Ayda I. Arruda, Rolando Chuaqui, Newton C. A. da Costa, Irene F. Mikenberg: Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Santiago, Chile, 1978. J. Symb. Log. 46(1): 180-190 (1981)
1 Ayda I. Arruda, Francisco Miro Quesada, Newton C. A. da Costa, Rolando Chuaqui: Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Campinas, Brazil 1976. J. Symb. Log. 43(2): 352-364 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Ayda I. Arruda [1] [2] [3]
2Jean-Yves Béziau [13]
3E. Bir [22]
4Otávio A. S. Bueno [13] [19]
5Xavier Caicedo [3] [4]
6Rolando Chuaqui [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Francisco A. Doria [7] [9] [11] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [22]
8Lawrence J. Henschen [6] [8]
9Décio Krause [10] [15] [21]
10James J. Lu [6] [8]
11Irene F. Mikenberg [2] [5]
12N. Papavero [7]
13Carlos A. Di Prisco [4]
14Francisco Miro Quesada [1]
15Alexandre A. M. Rodrigues [20]
16V. S. Subrahmanian [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)