
S. K. Chang

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9EERon Hira, Óscar Dieste Tubío, George Spanoudakis, Giuseppe Visaggio, Guido Wirtz, S. K. Chang: It-Outsourcing and IT-Offshoring: Trends and Impacts on SE/KE Curricula. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 17(5): 663-685 (2007)
8 S. K. Chang: A Special Presentation on Multimedia Software Engineering. SEKE 2001: 346
7 S. K. Chang: Panel: Visualization of Software Systems in the Year 2000. SEKE 1995: 291
6 Jun'ichi Miyao, S. K. Chang: Toward Uniform Presentation of Software Dynamics. SEKE 1995: 295
5 S. K. Chang: Visual Communications. SEKE 1994: 1
4 Bruce I. Blum, Victor R. Basili, S. K. Chang, Michael Evangelist, C. V. Ramamoorthy, Raymond T. Yeh: Software Engineering in the Year 2000. SEKE 1993: 473
3 Clement T. Yu, K. Lam, C. C. Chang, S. K. Chang: Promising Approach to Distributed Query Processing. Berkeley Workshop 1982: 363-390
2EES. K. Chang, A. Gill: Algorithm 397: An integer programming problem. Commun. ACM 13(10): 620 (1970)
1EES. K. Chang, A. Gill: Algorithmic Solution of the Change-Making Problem. J. ACM 17(1): 113-122 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Victor R. Basili [4]
2Bruce I. Blum [4]
3C. C. Chang [3]
4Michael Evangelist [4]
5A. Gill [1] [2]
6Ron Hira [9]
7K. Lam [3]
8Jun'ichi Miyao [6]
9C. V. Ramamoorthy [4]
10George Spanoudakis [9]
11Óscar Dieste Tubío [9]
12Giuseppe Visaggio [9]
13Guido Wirtz [9]
14Raymond T. Yeh [4]
15Clement T. Yu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)