
Scott Henderson

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3 Cliff Joslyn, Scott Henderson: CAST Extensions to DASME to Support Generalized Information Theory. EUROCAST 1995: 237-252
2EENeil B. Cohen, Scott Henderson, Chak Won: A Highly Reliable System for Distributed Word Processing. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 6(2): 35-41 (1983)
1 Neil B. Cohen, Charles B. Haley, Scott Henderson, Chak Won: Gemini - A reliable Local Network. Berkeley Workshop 1982: 1-22

Coauthor Index

1Neil B. Cohen [1] [2]
2Charles B. Haley [1]
3Cliff Joslyn [3]
4Chak Won [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)