
Zièd Choukair

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26EESonia Ben Rejeb, Nidal Nasser, Zièd Choukair, Sami Tabbane: Modeling end-to-end QoS management and real time agreement protocols for resource reservation for multimedia mobile radio network. Computer Communications 30(9): 1953-1963 (2007)
25EESonia Ben Rejeb, Sami Tabbane, Zièd Choukair: Mobility model used for QoS management for wireless multimedia networks. IJWMC 2(4): 350-361 (2007)
24EEAsma Ben Letaifa, Sami Tabbane, Zièd Choukair: A Service Oriented Framework for Multimedia Radio Networks. JCP 1(1): 48-55 (2006)
23EERosa Gil, Jaime Delgado, Zièd Choukair: Characterizing Ad Hoc B2B Applications Using Ontologies and Complex Systems. AINA 2005: 885-892
22EEZièd Choukair: Correctness Proof Obligation for CoCTelS Telecom Services Composition Model. AINA 2005: 893-900
21EESonia Ben Rejeb, Sami Tabbane, Zièd Choukair: Real time agreement protocol and resource pre-reservation for wireless system. IPCCC 2005: 431-436
20EEAsma Ben Letaifa, Sami Tabbane, Zièd Choukair: A Hybrid Algorithm to Reconfigure Platforms of Radio Mobile Services. LCN 2005: 615-616
19EESonia Ben Rejeb, Zièd Choukair, Sami Tabbane: Combining Markovian Chains and Real Time Agreement Protocols to Allocate Resources in Wireless Systems. AINA (2) 2004: 317-320
18EEAsma Ben Letaifa, Zièd Choukair, Sami Tabbane: Dynamic Reconfiguration of Telecom Services Architectures According to Mobility and Traffic Models. AINA (2) 2004: 447-450
17EEZièd Choukair, Makoto Takizawa: Multimedia Wireless Interactive and Collaborative Telecom Services. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 150-155
16EERosa Gil, Jaime Delgado, Zièd Choukair: Towards the composition of Ad Hoc B2B Applications: Semantics, Properties and Complexity Management. WWW Workshop on Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the Semantic Web 2004
15EEZièd Choukair, Safouane Sfar: Run Time Adaptation of UMTS Services to Available Resources. AINA 2003: 33-38
14EEZièd Choukair: Composition and Customization of Multimedia Telecoms Services. AINA 2003: 440-445
13EEMehmet Aksit, Zièd Choukair: Dynamic, Adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems Overview and Prospective Vision. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 84-
12EESonia Ben Rejeb, Sami Tabbane, Zièd Choukair: Mobility Model for Multimedia Mobile Radio Network. MMNS 2003: 183-195
11EEZièd Choukair: CoCTelS, A Model to Compose Private Adaptive Bouquets of Services in Telecom Networks. Journal of Interconnection Networks 4(3): 291-307 (2003)
10EESafouane Sfar, Zièd Choukair: UMTS architecture extension to adapt multimedia services and manage their flow properties. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(6): 773-788 (2003)
9EEZièd Choukair, Safouane Sfar: Auto-Adaptive Preliminary Approach to Compose Multimedia Telecom Services. ISCC 2001: 512-517
8EEZièd Choukair, Damien Retailleau, Magnus Hellstrom: Environment for Performing Collaborative Distributed Virtual Environments with QoS. ICPADS 2000: 111-118
7EEZièd Choukair, Damien Retailleau: Integrating QoS to Collaborative Distributed Virtual Reality Applications. ISORC 2000: 320-327
6 Zièd Choukair, Guy Leonhard, Safouane Sfar: Towards an Auto-Adaptive Model to Compose Multimedia Telecom Services. OOIS 2000: 165-176
5EEIvan Tomek, Alicia Díaz, Ronald Melster, António Rito Silva, Miguel Antunes, Vinny Cahill, Zièd Choukair, Alexandro Fernandez, Mads Haahr, Eric Jul, Atsushi Ohnishi, Luís Rodrigues, Erich R. Schmidt, Cristian Tapus, Waldemar Wieczerzycki, Daniel M. Zimmerman: Multi-user Object-Oriented Environments. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 80-96
4 Zièd Choukair: DVECOM: An Auto-adaptive Model for Collaboration within Distributed Virtual Reality Applications. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 86-87
3EEZièd Choukair, Antoine Beugnard: Real-Time Object-Oriented Distributed Processing with COREMO. ECOOP Workshops 1997: 45-50
2EEAntoine Beugnard, Zièd Choukair, Yvon Kermarrec: COREMO: A CORBA Real Time Extension Model and its Ada 95 Implementation. TRI-Ada 1996: 255-268
1 Zièd Choukair, Yvon Kermarrec: Distributed Object Oriented Programming and Interoperability for Ada 95: An OMG/CORBA Approach. Ada-Europe 1995: 217-227

Coauthor Index

1Mehmet Aksit [13]
2Miguel Antunes [5]
3Antoine Beugnard [2] [3]
4Vinny Cahill [5]
5Jaime Delgado [16] [23]
6Alicia Díaz [5]
7Alexandro Fernandez [5]
8Rosa Gil [16] [23]
9Mads Haahr [5]
10Magnus Hellstrom [8]
11Eric Jul [5]
12Yvon Kermarrec [1] [2]
13Guy Leonhard [6]
14Asma Ben Letaifa [18] [20] [24]
15Ronald Melster [5]
16Nidal Nasser [26]
17Atsushi Ohnishi [5]
18Sonia Ben Rejeb [12] [19] [21] [25] [26]
19Damien Retailleau [7] [8]
20Luís Rodrigues [5]
21Erich R. Schmidt [5]
22Safouane Sfar [6] [9] [10] [15]
23António Rito Silva [5]
24Sami Tabbane [12] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [26]
25Makoto Takizawa [17]
26Cristian Tapus [5]
27Ivan Tomek [5]
28Waldemar Wieczerzycki [5]
29Daniel M. Zimmerman [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)