
Paul A. Bailes

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31 Paul A. Bailes, Colin J. M. Kemp: Fusing Folds and Data Structures into Zoetic Data. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 299-306
30EEPaul A. Bailes, Colin J. M. Kemp: Obstacles to a Totally Functional Programming Style. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2004: 178-189
29EEDavid Hearnden, Paul A. Bailes, Michael Lawley, Kerry Raymond: Automating Software Evolution. IWPSE 2004: 95-100
28 Paul A. Bailes, Colin J. M. Kemp, Ian Peake, Sean Seefried: Why Functional Programming Really Matters. Applied Informatics 2003: 919-926
27 Paul A. Bailes, Ian Peake: Incremental Enhancement of the Expressiveness of a Reengineering Tool Development Platform. Applied Informatics 2003: 927-934
26EEPaul A. Bailes, Colin J. M. Kemp: Integrating Runtime Assertions with Dynamic Types: Structuring a Derivation from an Incomputable Specification. COMPSAC 2003: 520-526
25EEPaul A. Bailes, Ian Peake: Design Derivation of an Open, Java-Based Reengineering Platform. CSMR 2003: 239-248
24EEPaul A. Bailes, Colin J. M. Kemp: Formal Methods within a Totally Functional Approach to Programming. 10th Anniversary Colloquium of UNU/IIST 2002: 287-307
23EEWie Ming Lim, John V. Harrison, Paul A. Bailes, Anthony Berglas: Design Recovery through Formal Specification. Australian Software Engineering Conference 1998: 22-31
22EEPaul A. Bailes, Paul Burnim, Murray Chapman: Mapping Ada Source Code into an Abstract Program Space. APSEC 1997: 171-180
21 Paul A. Bailes, Paul Burnim, Murray Chapman, John V. Harrison, Ian Peake: Towards an intelligent software maintenance network. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 129-136
20EEPaul A. Bailes, Paul Burnim, Murray Chapman, Eric J. Salzman: Towards an Ada Basis for KBSE: Refine-Ada 95 Conversion. TRI-Ada 1996: 193-204
19EEPaul A. Bailes, Paul Burnim, Murray Chapman, Dan B. Johnston: Derivation and Presentation of an Abstract Program Space for Ada. WPC 1996: 230-
18EEJohn V. Harrison, Paul A. Bailes, Anthony Berglas, Ian Peake: Re-engineering 4GL-based Information System Applications. APSEC 1995: 448-457
17 Paul A. Bailes, Paul Burnim, Murray Chapman, Eric J. Salzman: KBSE and Ada - Object and Enabling Technology. Ada-Europe 1995: 152-163
16EEPaul A. Bailes, Steven Atkinson, Murray Chapman, Dan B. Johnston, Ian Peake: Towards an Open Software Conversion Architecture. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 5(3): 423-444 (1995)
15 Paul A. Bailes, Murray Chapman, Mae Chia, Ian Peake: Generic Re-Engineering Environment Design Criteria: An Evaluation of the Software RefineryTM. Australian Computer Journal 26(4): 151-157 (1994)
14 Paul A. Bailes, Ming Gong, Andrew Moran: Why Functional Languages Really Need Parallelism. ICCI 1993: 423-427
13 Paul A. Bailes, Dan B. Johnston, Eric J. Salzman: Preprocessing First-Class Functions for Ada. ICCI 1993: 524-528
12 Paul A. Bailes, Dan B. Johnston, Eric J. Salzman: A Proposal for a Genuinely-Lazy Streams Facility for Ada. Comput. Lang. 18(1): 31-55 (1993)
11 Paul A. Bailes, Trevor Chorvat: Facet Grammars: Towards Static Semantic Analysis by Context-Free Parsing. Comput. Lang. 18(4): 251-271 (1993)
10EEPaul A. Bailes, Dan B. Johnston, Eric J. Salzman, Li Wang: Full Functional Programming in a Declarative Ada Dialect. TRI-Ada 1992: 350-358
9 Paul A. Bailes: The Hierarchical Development of a Generic Type Mechanism for Functional Languages. Comput. Lang. 15(1): 1-26 (1990)
8 Paul A. Bailes, Eric J. Salzman, Andreas Rosel: A Proposal for a Bachelor's Degree Program in Software Bngineering. CSEE 1989: 90-108
7 Paul A. Bailes: An Advanced Problem-Oriented Introduction to Imperative Programming with Modula-2. Comput. J. 31(6): 531-539 (1988)
6 Paul A. Bailes: G: A Functional Language with Generic Abstract Data Types. Comput. Lang. 12(2): 69-94 (1987)
5 Paul A. Bailes: Static Checking of Variable Handling in Dijkstra's Guarded Commands Language. Comput. Lang. 11(3/4): 123-142 (1986)
4 Paul A. Bailes: DDA - A Data Definition Facility for UNIX Using Awk. Softw., Pract. Exper. 15(10): 1011-1020 (1985)
3 Paul A. Bailes: A Low-Cost Implementation of Coroutines for C. Softw., Pract. Exper. 15(4): 379-395 (1985)
2 Paul A. Bailes: A Rational Pascal. Australian Computer Journal 16(4): 155-163 (1984)
1 Paul A. Bailes, Antonio Salvadori: A Semantically-based Formatting Discipline for Pascal. Softw., Pract. Exper. 14(3): 235-251 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Steven Atkinson [16]
2Anthony Berglas [18] [23]
3Paul Burnim [17] [19] [20] [21] [22]
4Murray Chapman [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22]
5Mae Chia [15]
6Trevor Chorvat [11]
7Ming Gong [14]
8John V. Harrison [18] [21] [23]
9David Hearnden [29]
10Dan B. Johnston [10] [12] [13] [16] [19]
11Colin J. M. Kemp [24] [26] [28] [30] [31]
12Michael Lawley [29]
13Wie Ming Lim [23]
14Andrew Moran [14]
15Ian Peake [15] [16] [18] [21] [25] [27] [28]
16Kerry Raymond [29]
17Andreas Rosel [8]
18Antonio Salvadori [1]
19Eric J. Salzman [8] [10] [12] [13] [17] [20]
20Sean Seefried [28]
21Li Wang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)