ACM SIGMOD Anthology, Acknowledgements - 2001 (Volume 5 & DVD Edition)

Thanks for Arranging Permissions
Peter M. G. ApersVLDB Journal
Paolo AtzeniEDBT
Farokh B. BastaniTKDE
David BeechSQL Papers
Philip A. BernsteinConcurrency Control book
Michael L. BrodieVerizon: GTE TRs
Angela Burgess and Bill HagenIEEE Computer Society: CoopIS, DASFAA, DE Bulletin, ER, ICDE, PDIS, SSDBM, TKDE
Stefano CeriEDBT, VLDB, VLDB Journal
Diane CerraMorgan Kaufmann: DBPL, VLDB, Benchmarking book
Peter P. ChenER
Jan ChomickiLogics for DBs and ISs
Panos K. ChrysanthisMobiDE
Sophie CluetDBPL
E. F. CoddCollected Works of E. F. Codd
Ron CytronPOPL
Scott DelmanKluwer: Logics for DBs and ISs, DPD
Susan T. DumaisACM DL, ACM Hypertext, SIGIR, SIGIR Forum
Ahmed K. ElmagarmidTKDE, DPDB
Usama M. FayyadKDD Explorations
Melissa FearonKluwer: DPD
Michael J. FranklinSIGMOD Record
Jim GrayBenchmarking book & other papers
Ralf Hartmut GütingSSD
Katherine HarutunianAddision-Wesley: Foundations book
Alfred HofmannSpringer: CIKM, DBPL, EDBT, ER, ICDT, MFDBS, POS, SSD, SSDBM, VLDB Journal
Sushil JajodiaPDIS
Manfred A. JeusfeldKRDB
Leonid A. KalinichenkoADBIS
Yahiko KambayashiDASFAA
Won KimKDD, KDD Explorations, TODS
Graham N. C. KirbyPOS
Henry F. KorthXP
Matt LoebICDE, DE Bulletin, TKDE
David B. LometDE Bulletin
Vilia MaSQL Papers
David MaierDatabase Theory book
Mark MandelbaumACM: ADBIS, CACM, CIKM, Computing Surveys, DL, DOLAP, GIS, MobiDE, NPIV, SIGFIDET Newsletter/SIGMOD Record, SIGIR, SIGKDD Explorations, Data Base, HyperText, TODS
Yoshifumi MasunagaDASFAA
Paul R. McJonesSystem R papers, Collected Works of E. F. Codd, Collected Works of Jim Gray
Alberto O. MendelzonDBPL
Robert MeersmanCoopIS
Gail MitchellPOS
Tadeusz MorzyADBIS
Elli MylonasACM DL, ACM Hypertext
John MylopoulosVLDB, VLDB Journal
Erich J. NeuholdICDE
Timothy NicholsAddison Wesley Longman: Ingres Book
Z. Meral ÖzsoyogluSSDBM
Gultekin ÖzsoyogluSSDBM
M. Tamer ÖzsuVLDB, VLDB Journal
Jan ParedaensICDT, MFDBS
Deborah PlummerIEEE Computer Society: TKDE
Mark A. RothXP
Betty SalzbergICDE, PDIS, TKDE
Dennis ShashaInformation Systems
Arie ShoshaniSSDBM
Stanley Y. W. SuVLDB Journal
Victor VianuICDT, Foundations book
Benjamin W. WahTKDE
Gio WiederholdDatabase Design Book
Moshé M. ZloofQBE paper
Special Thanks to
Lisette Burgos (ACM)who helped locate copies of several publications
Deborah Cotton (ACM)who helped with all the permissions
Jono Hardjowirogo (ACM)who provided much needed production help
Mark Mandelbaum (ACM)who supported this project vigorously at ACM
Michael McDonald (Pinehurst)for so ably digitizing over 100,000 pages & mastering the DVDs
Bernie Rous (ACM)who ensured that the material was digitized quickly, even when that meant that other ACM tasks had to wait
Susan Siedun (ACM)who helped find many publications at ACM HQ
Danielle Young (IEEE Computer Society)who put in a great deal of time cleaning up the TKDE files
Peter P. Chen's studentswho scanned the ER proceedings
Jim Gray and Microsoft BARCwho supported DBLP and The Anthology
The VLDB Endowmentwho supported DBLP
Irmtraud Appel, Dietrich Arlart, Sandra Bautz, Christina Bremer, Eszter Czikajlo, Alexander Dann, Kirsten Edelkraut, Oliver Fritzen, Daniel Heinen, Doris Holzträger, Eicke Jahn, Sybille Kannwischer, Bettina Kühn, Karin Lenerz, Ulrich Leopold, Andrea Lins, Sonja Naumann, Ranja Tiben, Jörg Thelen, Astrid Zimmermannwho did the boring jobs at the University of Trier
Gerd Hoffwho implemented the very useful HomePageSearch system
Bernd Walterwho enabled me to spend most of my time with the Anthology and DBLP projects
Brigitta Weilandwho did a lot of administration work
Contributors of papers for digitization
Paolo Atzeni, Arbee L. P. Chen, Peter P. Chen, David J. DeWitt, Susan T. Dumais, Patrick C. Fischer, Christian S. Jensen, Henry F. Korth, David B. Lomet, Per-Åke Larson, Michael Ley, William C. McGee, Robert Meersman, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, M. Tamer Özsu, Gultekin Özsoyoglu, Bruce Powell, Praveen Seshadri, Joachim W. Schmidt, Arie Shoshani, Richard T. Snodgrass, Lewis Tiffany, Shunsuke Uemura, Bernd Walter, Gottfried Vossen and The Library of the University of Trier

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DBLP: Copyright © by Michael Ley (, last change: Sat May 16 22:54:16 2009