
Elli Mylonas

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9EEElli Mylonas: A commentary on Frank Halasz's "Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypertext Systems". ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 25(3): 104-108 (2001)
8EEJulia Flanders, Elli Mylonas: A licensing model for scholarly textbases. ACM DL 2000: 256-257
7EEMark Bernstein, George P. Landow, Elli Mylonas, John B. Smith: The Process of Discovery: Hypertext and Scholarship. Hypertext 1996: 258
6EERosemary Michelle Simpson, Allen Renear, Elli Mylonas, Andries van Dam: 50 years after "As we may think": the Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush symposium. Interactions 3(2): 47-67 (1996)
5EEElli Mylonas: The Perseus Project (Video). Hypertext 1993: 241
4EEElli Mylonas: The Perseus Project: Developing Version 2.0. Hypertext 1993: 270-273
3 Elli Mylonas: An Interface to Classical Greek Civilization. JASIS 43(2): 192-201 (1992)
2EEMark Bernstein, Jay D. Bolter, Michael Joyce, Elli Mylonas: Architectures for Volatile Hypertext. Hypertext 1991: 243-260
1 Elli Mylonas, Sebastian Heath: Hypertext from the Data Point of View: Paths and Links in the Perseus Project. ECHT 1990: 324-336

Coauthor Index

1Mark Bernstein [2] [7]
2Jay David Bolter (Jay D. Bolter) [2]
3Andries van Dam [6]
4Julia Flanders [8]
5Sebastian Heath [1]
6Michael Joyce [2]
7George P. Landow [7]
8Allen H. Renear (Allen Renear) [6]
9Rosemary Michelle Simpson [6]
10John B. Smith [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)