The hB-Pi-Tree: A Multi-Attribute Index Supporting Concurrency, Recovery and Node Consolidation.
Georgios Evangelidis, David B. Lomet, Betty Salzberg:
The hB-Pi-Tree: A Multi-Attribute Index Supporting Concurrency, Recovery and Node Consolidation.
VLDB J. 6(1): 1-25(1997)@article{DBLP:journals/vldb/EvangelidisS97,
author = {Georgios Evangelidis and
David B. Lomet and
Betty Salzberg},
title = {The hB-Pi-Tree: A Multi-Attribute Index Supporting Concurrency,
Recovery and Node Consolidation},
journal = {VLDB J.},
volume = {6},
number = {1},
year = {1997},
pages = {1-25},
ee = {db/journals/vldb/EvangelidisS97.html},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
We propose a new multi-attribute index.
Our approach combines the hB-tree, a multi-attribute index, and the
Pi-tree, an abstract index which offers efficient concurrency and
recovery methods. We call the resulting method the
hB-Pi-tree. We describe several versions of the hB-Pi-tree,
each using a different node-splitting and index-term-posting algorithm.
We also describe a new node deletion algorithm.
We have implemented all the versions of the hB-Pi-tree.
Our performance results show that even the version that offers no
performance guarantees, actually performs very well in terms of
storage utilization, index size (fan-out), exact-match and range
searching, under various data types and distributions.
We have also shown that our index is fairly insensitive to increases in dimension.
Thus, it is suitable for indexing high-dimensional applications.
This property and the fact that all our versions of the hB-Pi-tree
can use the Pi-tree concurrency and recovery algorithms make the hB-Pi-tree a promising candidate for inclusion in a general-purpose DBMS.
Key Words
Multi-attribute index, Concurrency, Recovery, Node consolidation
Copyright © 1997 by Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of the abstract is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show this notice along with the full citation.
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