Logic-Based Approach to Semantic Query Optimization.

Upen S. Chakravarthy, John Grant, Jack Minker: Logic-Based Approach to Semantic Query Optimization. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 15(2): 162-207(1990)
  author    = {Upen S. Chakravarthy and
               John Grant and
               Jack Minker},
  title     = {Logic-Based Approach to Semantic Query Optimization},
  journal   = {ACM Trans. Database Syst.},
  volume    = {15},
  number    = {2},
  year      = {1990},
  pages     = {162-207},
  ee        = {, db/journals/tods/ChakravarthyGM90.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


The purpose of semantic query optimization is to use semantic knowledge (e.g., integrity constraints) for transforming a query into a form that may be answered more efficiently than the original version. In several previous papers we described and proved the correctness of a method for semantic query optimization in deductive databases couched in first-order logic. This paper consolidates the major results of these papers emphasizing the techniques and their applicability for optimizing relational queries. Additionally, we show how this method subsumes and generalizes earlier work on semantic query optimization. We also indicate how semantic query optimization techniques can be extended to databases that support recursion and integrity constraints that contain disjunction, negation, and recursion.

Copyright © 1990 by the ACM, Inc., used by permission. Permission to make digital or hard copies is granted provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage, and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation.

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Alfred V. Aho, Yehoshua Sagiv, Jeffrey D. Ullman: Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(4): 435-454(1979) BibTeX
François Bancilhon, Raghu Ramakrishnan: An Amateur's Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 16-52 BibTeX
Upen S. Chakravarthy, Daniel H. Fishman, Jack Minker: Semantic Query Optimization in Expert Systems and Database Systems. Expert Database Workshop 1984: 659-674 BibTeX
Upen S. Chakravarthy, John Grant, Jack Minker: Foundations of Semantic Query Optimization for Deductive Databases. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 243-273 BibTeX
Upen S. Chakravarthy, Jack Minker: Multiple Query Processing in Deductive Databases using Query Graphs. VLDB 1986: 384-391 BibTeX
Upen S. Chakravarthy, Jack Minker, John Grant: Semantic Query Optimization: Additional Constraints and Control Strategies. Expert Database Conf. 1986: 345-379 BibTeX
Hervé Gallaire, Jack Minker, Jean-Marie Nicolas: Logic and Databases: A Deductive Approach. ACM Comput. Surv. 16(2): 153-185(1984) BibTeX
John Grant, Jack Minker: Optimization in Deductive and Conventional Relational Database Systems. Advances in Data Base Theory 1979: 195-234 BibTeX
Michael Hammer, Stanley B. Zdonik: Knowledge-Based Query Processing. VLDB 1980: 137-147 BibTeX
Matthias Jarke, James Clifford, Yannis Vassiliou: An Optimizing Prolog Front-End to a Relational Query System. SIGMOD Conference 1984: 296-306 BibTeX
Matthias Jarke, Jürgen Koch: Query Optimization in Database Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 16(2): 111-152(1984) BibTeX
Jonathan J. King: QUIST: A System for Semantic Query Optimization in Relational Databases. VLDB 1981: 510-517 BibTeX
Madhur Kohli, Jack Minker: Intelligent Control Using Integrity Constraints. AAAI 1983: 202-205 BibTeX
Sanggoo Lee, Jiawei Han: Semantic Query Optimization in Recursive Databases. ICDE 1988: 444-451 BibTeX
Jorge Lobo, Jack Minker: A Metaprogramming Approach to Semantically Optimize Queries in Deduktive Databases. Expert Database Conf. 1988: 699-741 BibTeX
Jack Minker: Perspectives in Deductive Databases. J. Log. Program. 5(1): 33-60(1988) BibTeX
Raymond Reiter: Deductive Question-Answering on Relational Data Bases. Logic and Data Bases 1977: 149-177 BibTeX
Timos K. Sellis: Multiple-Query Optimization. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 13(1): 23-52(1988) BibTeX
Sreekumar T. Shenoy, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu: A System for Semantic Query Optimization. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 181-195 BibTeX

Referenced by

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  4. Marcelo Arenas, Leopoldo E. Bertossi, Jan Chomicki: Consistent Query Answers in Inconsistent Databases. PODS 1999: 68-79
  5. Parke Godfrey, Jarek Gryz: View Disassembly. ICDT 1999: 417-434
  6. Luis Gravano, Yannis Papakonstantinou: Mediating and Metasearching on the Internet. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 21(2): 28-36(1998)
  7. Xubo Zhang, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu: Implication and Referential Constraints: A New Formal Reasoning. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 9(6): 894-910(1997)
  8. John Grant, Jarek Gryz, Jack Minker, Louiqa Raschid: Semantic Query Optimization for Object Databases. ICDE 1997: 444-453
  9. Odysseas G. Tsatalos, Marvin H. Solomon, Yannis E. Ioannidis: The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence. VLDB J. 5(2): 101-118(1996)
  10. Sha Guo, Wei Sun, Mark Allen Weiss: Solving Satisfiability and Implication Problems in Database Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 21(2): 270-293(1996)
  11. Sha Guo, Wei Sun, Mark Allen Weiss: On Satisfiability, Equivalence, and Impication Problems Involving Conjunctive Queries in Database Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(4): 604-616(1996)
  12. Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Rokia Missaoui: Pushing Semantics Inside Recursion: A General Framework for Semantic Optimization of Recursive Queries. ICDE 1995: 211-220
  13. Surajit Chaudhuri, Ravi Krishnamurthy, Spyros Potamianos, Kyuseok Shim: Optimizing Queries with Materialized Views. ICDE 1995: 190-200
  14. Wei Sun, Clement T. Yu: Semantic Query Optimization for Tree and Chain Queries. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(1): 136-151(1994)
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  17. Jiawei Han: Constraint-Based Query Evaluation in Deductive Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(1): 96-107(1994)
  18. Martin F. van Bommel, Grant E. Weddell: Reasoning About Equations and Functional Dependencies on Complex Objects. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(3): 455-469(1994)
  19. Odysseas G. Tsatalos, Marvin H. Solomon, Yannis E. Ioannidis: The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence. VLDB 1994: 367-378
  20. Martin Buchheit, Manfred A. Jeusfeld, Werner Nutt, Martin Staudt: Subsumption between Queries to Object-Oriented Databases. EDBT 1994: 15-22
  21. Surajit Chaudhuri, Kyuseok Shim: Query Optimization in the Presence of Foreign Functions. VLDB 1993: 529-542
  22. Jing P. Yoon: Database Updates Using Active Rules: A Unified Approach for Consistency Maintenance. DASFAA 1993: 271-278
  23. H. V. Jagadish, Xiaolei Qian: Integrity Maintenance in Object-Oriented Databases. VLDB 1992: 469-480
  24. Jiawei Han, Yandong Cai, Nick Cercone: Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Attribute-Oriented Approach. VLDB 1992: 547-559
  25. Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Rokia Missaoui: On Semantic Query Optimization in Deductive Databases. ICDE 1992: 368-375
  26. Beat Wüthrich: Semantic Improvement of Deductive Databases. MFDBS 1991: 216-229
  27. Sang-goo Lee, Lawrence J. Henschen, Ghassan Z. Qadah: Semantic Query Reformulation in Deductive Databases. ICDE 1991: 232-239
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