
Ian MacInnes

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16EEMark de Reuver, Harry Bouwman, Ian MacInnes: Business model dynamics: a case survey. JTAER 4(1): 1-11 (2009)
15EEIan MacInnes, Lili Hu: Business models and operational issues in the Chinese online game industry. Telematics and Informatics 24(2): 130-144 (2007)
14EEHarry Bouwman, Ian MacInnes: Dynamic Business Model Framework for Value Webs. HICSS 2006
13EEIan MacInnes: Property rights, legal issues, and business models in virtual world communities. Electronic Commerce Research 6(1): 39-56 (2006)
12EEIan MacInnes: Virtual Worlds in Asia: Business Models and Legal Issues. DIGRA Conf. 2005
11EEIan MacInnes, Lili Hu: Business Models for Online Communities: The Case of the Virtual Worlds Industry in China. HICSS 2005
10EEIan MacInnes, Damani Musgrave, Jason Laska: Electronic Commerce Fraud: Towards an Understanding of the Phenomenon. HICSS 2005
9EEIan MacInnes: Causes of Disputes in Online Auctions. Electronic Markets 15(2): 146-157 (2005)
8EEIan MacInnes: Compatibility standards and monopoly incentives: the impact of service-based software licensing. IJSS 1(3): 255-270 (2005)
7EEIan MacInnes: Dynamic business model framework for emerging technologies. IJSTM 6(1): 3-19 (2005)
6EEIan MacInnes, Kasama Kongsmak, Robert Heckman: Vertical Integration and the Relationship Between Publisher and Creators. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 5(1): 25-37 (2004)
5EEJunseok Hwang, Praveen Aravamudham, Elizabeth D. Liddy, Jeffrey Stanton, Ian MacInnes: IRTL (Information Resource Transaction Layer) Middleware Design for P2P and Open GRID Services. HICSS 2003: 218
4EEJunseok Hwang, Praveen Aravamudham, Elizabeth D. Liddy, Jeffrey Stanton, Ian MacInnes: Charging Control and Transaction Accounting Mechanisms Using IRTL (Information Resource Transaction Layer) Middleware for P2P Services. QofIS 2002: 239-249
3EEIan MacInnes, Janusz Moneta, Julio Caraballo, Dominic Sarni: Business Models for Mobile Content: the Case of M-Games. Electronic Markets 12(4): (2002)
2EEMartha Garcia-Murillo, Ian MacInnes: The Impact of Incentives in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on Corporate Strategies CoRR cs.CY/0109071: (2001)
1EEKevin Crowston, Ian MacInnes: The Effects of Market-enabling Internet Agents on Competition and Prices. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 2(1): 1-22 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Praveen Aravamudham [4] [5]
2Harry Bouwman [14] [16]
3Julio Caraballo [3]
4Kevin Crowston [1]
5Martha Garcia-Murillo [2]
6Robert Heckman [6]
7Lili Hu [11] [15]
8Junseok Hwang [4] [5]
9Kasama Kongsmak [6]
10Jason Laska [10]
11Elizabeth D. Liddy (Liz Liddy) [4] [5]
12Janusz Moneta [3]
13Damani Musgrave [10]
14Mark de Reuver [16]
15Dominic Sarni [3]
16Jeffrey Stanton [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)