
Pirkko Walden

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38EEChrister Carlsson, Arild Havnen, Pirkko Walden: Making the Fun of Fishing Legal with Mobile Value Services. HICSS 2008: 86
37EERobert Krimmer, Keith Schildt, Pirkko Walden: Minitrack: E-Policy, Law, and Governance. HICSS 2007: 108
36EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Mobile TV - To Live or Die by Content. HICSS 2007: 51
35EEPirkko Walden: Preface to the Focus Theme Section: 'eValues'. Electronic Markets 17(1): 3-4 (2007)
34EEHarry Bouwman, Christer Carlsson, Francisco J. Molina-Castillo, Pirkko Walden: Barriers and drivers in the adoption of current and future mobile services in Finland. Telematics and Informatics 24(2): 145-160 (2007)
33EEPirkko Walden, Bill Anckar: A Reassessment of the Efficacy of Self-Booking in Travel. HICSS 2006
32EEChrister Carlsson, Joanna Carlsson, Kaarina Hyvönen, Jussi Puhakainen, Pirkko Walden: Adoption of Mobile Devices/Services - Searching for Answers with the UTAUT. HICSS 2006
31EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
30EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Masoud Nikravesh: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
29EEAnna Sell, Pirkko Walden: Mobile Digital Calendars: An Interview Study. HICSS 2006
28EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Harry Bouwman: Adoption of 3G+ services in Finland. IJMC 4(4): 369-385 (2006)
27EEChrister Carlsson, Joanna Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Mobile Services for the Hospitality Industry. ECIS 2005
26EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Agent Technology, Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing in Management Support. HICSS 2005
25EEChrister Carlsson, Kaarina Hyvönen, Petteri Repo, Pirkko Walden: Asynchronous Adoption Patterns of Mobile Services. HICSS 2005
24EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Mobile Commerce: Core Business Technology and Intelligent Support. HICSS 2005
23EEAnna Sell, Erkki Patokorpi, Pirkko Walden, Bill Anckar: Adoption of mobile communication technology: an empirical study on females working in elderly care. ECIS 2004
22EEPirkko Walden, Bill Anckar, Stefan Klein, Maria Sigala, Hannes Werthner: Panel: Mobile challenges for travel and tourism. ECIS 2004
21 Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
20EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Jari Veijalainen: Mobile Commerce: Core Business Technology and Intelligent Support: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
19EEAnna Sell, Erkki Patokorpi, Bill Anckar, Pirkko Walden: Outsourcing Public Sector Services to Electronic Commerce Players. HICSS 2004
18EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing. HICSS 2003: 82
17EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Jari Veijalainen: Mobile Commerce Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2003: 87
16EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Further Quests For Value-added Products & Services In Mobile Commerce. ECIS 2002
15EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 77
14EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Jari Veijalainen: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 85
13EEBill Anckar, Svante Olofsson, Pirkko Walden: Overcoming Online Booking Barriers with a Software Agent Approach. ECIS 2001
12EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
11EEBill Anckar, Pirkko Walden: Becoming Your Own Travel Agent: A Web of Potentials and Pitfalls. HICSS 2000
10EEPirkko Walden, Christer Carlsson: Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing - Introduction. HICSS 2000
9EEBill Anckar, Pirkko Walden: Destination Maui? An Exploratory Assessment of the Efficacy of Self-Booking in Travel. Electronic Markets 10(2): (2000)
8EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: Intelligent Systems and Active DSS - Introduction. HICSS 1999
7EEChrister Carlsson, Ossi Kokkonen, Pirkko Walden: On the Improvement of Strategic Investment Decisions and Active Decision Support Systems. HICSS 1999
6EEChrister Carlsson, Tawfik Jelassi, Pirkko Walden: Intelligent Systems and Active DSS. HICSS (5) 1998: 4-8
5EEChrister Carlsson, Pirkko Walden, Deepak N. Kumar: Emerging Paradingms for Intelligent Systems. HICSS (5) 1997: 286-286
4EEPirkko Walden, Christer Carlsson, Ossi Kokkonen: Hyperknowledge in Practice - Users' Attitudes to Active DSS. HICSS (5) 1997: 317-323
3EEPirkko Walden, Christer Carlsson: Hyperknowledge and expert systems: a case study of knowledge formation processes. HICSS (3) 1995: 73-
2 Christer Carlsson, Pirkko Walden: On Fuzzy Hyperknowledge Support Systems. NGITS 1995: 0-
1 Pirkko Walden, Christer Carlsson: Strategic Management with a Hyperknowledge Support System. HICSS (3) 1994: 241-251

Coauthor Index

1Bill Anckar [9] [11] [13] [19] [22] [23] [33]
2Harry Bouwman [28] [34]
3Christer Carlsson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34] [36] [38]
4Joanna Carlsson [27] [32]
5Arild Havnen [38]
6Kaarina Hyvönen [25] [32]
7Tawfik Jelassi [6]
8Stefan Klein [22]
9Ossi Kokkonen [4] [7]
10Robert Krimmer [37]
11Deepak N. Kumar [5]
12Francisco J. Molina-Castillo [34]
13Masoud Nikravesh [30]
14Svante Olofsson [13]
15Erkki Patokorpi [19] [23]
16Jussi Puhakainen [32]
17Petteri Repo [25]
18Keith Schildt [37]
19Anna Sell [19] [23] [29]
20Maria Sigala [22]
21Jari Veijalainen [14] [17] [20]
22Hannes Werthner [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)