
Masakazu Kojima

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22EEHayato Waki, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Masakazu Muramatsu, Hiroshi Sugimoto: Algorithm 883: SparsePOP---A Sparse Semidefinite Programming Relaxation of Polynomial Optimization Problems. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 35(2): (2008)
21EETomohiko Mizutani, Akiko Takeda, Masakazu Kojima: Dynamic Enumeration of All Mixed Cells. Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(3): 351-367 (2007)
20EEMasakazu Kojima, Masakazu Muramatsu: An Extension of Sums of Squares Relaxations to Polynomial Optimization Problems Over Symmetric Cones. Math. Program. 110(2): 315-336 (2007)
19EEKazuhide Nakata, Makoto Yamashita, Katsuki Fujisawa, Masakazu Kojima: A parallel primal-dual interior-point method for semidefinite programs using positive definite matrix completion. Parallel Computing 32(1): 24-43 (2006)
18EEMasakazu Kojima, Sunyoung Kim, Hayato Waki: Sparsity in sums of squares of polynomials. Math. Program. 103(1): 45-62 (2005)
17EEKatsuki Fujisawa, Masakazu Kojima, Akiko Takeda, Makoto Yamashita: High Performance Grid and Cluster Computing for Some Optimization Problems. SAINT Workshops 2004: 612-615
16EETakayuki Gunji, Sunyoung Kim, Masakazu Kojima, Akiko Takeda, Katsuki Fujisawa, Tomohiko Mizutani: PHoM - a Polyhedral Homotopy Continuation Method for Polynomial Systems. Computing 73(1): 57-77 (2004)
15EEMakoto Yamashita, Katsuki Fujisawa, Masakazu Kojima: SDPARA: SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm paRAllel version. Parallel Computing 29(8): 1053-1067 (2003)
14EEMasakazu Kojima, Levent Tunçel: On the finite convergence of successive SDP relaxation methods. European Journal of Operational Research 143(2): 325-341 (2002)
13EEMasakazu Kojima, Akiko Takeda: Complexity Analysis of Successive Convex Relaxation Methods for Nonconvex Sets. Math. Oper. Res. 26(3): 519-542 (2001)
12 Masakazu Kojima, Masayuki Shida, Susumu Shindoh: Local convergence of predictor-corrector infeasible-interior-point algorithms for SDPs and SDLCPs. Math. Program. 80: 129-160 (1998)
11 Katsuki Fujisawa, Masakazu Kojima, Kazuhide Nakata: Exploiting sparsity in primal-dual interior-point methods for semidefinite programming. Math. Program. 79: 235-253 (1997)
10 Masakazu Kojima, Toshihito Noma, Akiko Yoshise: Global convergence in infeasible-interior-point algorithms. Math. Program. 65: 43-72 (1994)
9 Masakazu Kojima, Nimrod Megiddo, Shinji Mizuno: Theoretical convergence of large-step primal-dual interior point algorithms for linear programming. Math. Program. 59: 1-21 (1993)
8 Masakazu Kojima, Shinji Mizuno, Akiko Yoshise: A little theorem of the big Mu in interior point algorithms. Math. Program. 59: 361-375 (1993)
7 Masakazu Kojima, Nimrod Megiddo, Shinji Mizuno: A primal-dual infeasible-interior-point algorithm for linear programming. Math. Program. 61: 263-280 (1993)
6 Tohru Ishihara, Masakazu Kojima: On the big Mu in the affine scaling algorithm. Math. Program. 62: 85-93 (1993)
5 Masakazu Kojima, Nimrod Megiddo, Yinyu Ye: An interior point potential reduction algorithm for the linear complementarity problem. Math. Program. 54: 267-279 (1992)
4 Masakazu Kojima, Nimrod Megiddo, Toshihito Noma, Akiko Yoshise: A Unified Approach to Interior Point Algorithms for Linear Complementarity Problems Springer 1991
3 Masakazu Kojima, Shinji Mizuno, Akiko Yoshise: An O(square root(n) * L) iteration potential reduction algorithm for linear complementarity problems. Math. Program. 50: 331-342 (1991)
2 Masakazu Kojima, Shinji Mizuno, Akiko Yoshise: Ellipsoids that Contain All the Solutions of a Positive Semi-Definite Linear Complementarity Problem. Math. Program. 48: 415-435 (1990)
1 Masakazu Kojima: Determining Basic Variables of Optimal Solutions in Karmarkar's New LP Algorithm. Algorithmica 1(4): 499-515 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Katsuki Fujisawa [11] [15] [16] [17] [19]
2Takayuki Gunji [16]
3Tohru Ishihara [6]
4Sunyoung Kim [16] [18] [22]
5Nimrod Megiddo [4] [5] [7] [9]
6Shinji Mizuno [2] [3] [7] [8] [9]
7Tomohiko Mizutani [16] [21]
8Masakazu Muramatsu [20] [22]
9Kazuhide Nakata [11] [19]
10Toshihito Noma [4] [10]
11Masayuki Shida [12]
12Susumu Shindoh [12]
13Hiroshi Sugimoto [22]
14Akiko Takeda [13] [16] [17] [21]
15Levent Tunçel [14]
16Hayato Waki [18] [22]
17Makoto Yamashita [15] [17] [19]
18Yinyu Ye [5]
19Akiko Yoshise [2] [3] [4] [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)