
Roman A. Polyak

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7EEShen-Shyang Ho, Roman A. Polyak: Confident Identification of Relevant Objects Based on Nonlinear Rescaling Method and Transductive Inference. ICDM 2007: 505-510
6EERoman A. Polyak, Shen-Shyang Ho, Igor Griva: Support vector machine via nonlinear rescaling method. Optimization Letters 1(4): 367-378 (2007)
5EEIgor Griva, Roman A. Polyak: Primal-dual nonlinear rescaling method with dynamic scaling parameter update. Math. Program. 106(2): 237-259 (2006)
4EERoman A. Polyak: Log-Sigmoid Multipliers Method in Constrained Optimization. Annals OR 101(1-4): 427-460 (2001)
3 Roman A. Polyak, Marc Teboulle: Nonlinear rescaling and proximal-like methods in convex optimization. Math. Program. 76: 265-284 (1996)
2 David L. Jensen, Roman A. Polyak: The convergence of a modified barrier method for convex programming. IBM Journal of Research and Development 38(3): 307-322 (1994)
1 Roman A. Polyak: Modified barrier functions (theory and methods). Math. Program. 54: 177-222 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Igor Griva [5] [6]
2Shen-Shyang Ho [6] [7]
3David L. Jensen [2]
4Marc Teboulle [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)