
Frieda Granot

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11 Tali Eilam-Tzoreff, Daniel Granot, Frieda Granot, Greys Sosic: The vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries on some special graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 116(3): 193-229 (2002)
10 Daniel Granot, Frieda Granot, W. R. Zhu: Naturally submodular digraphs and forbidden digraph configurations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 100(1-2): 67-84 (2000)
9 Frieda Granot, Jadranka Skorin-Kapov, Amir Tamir: Using Quadratic Programming to Solve High Multiplicity Scheduling Problems on Parallel Machines. Algorithmica 17(2): 100-110 (1997)
8EEFrieda Granot, Michal Penn: Polynomial Algorithms for (integral) Maximum Two-flows in Vertex Edge-capacitated Planar Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 70(3): 267-283 (1996)
7EEFrieda Granot, Michal Penn, Maurice Queyranne: Disconnecting sets in single and two-terminal-pair networks. Networks 27(2): 117-123 (1996)
6EEFrieda Granot, Michal Penn: On the integral 4-packing of T-cuts. Discrete Mathematics 142(1-3): 65-75 (1995)
5EEAntoine Gautier, Frieda Granot: on the Equivalence of Constrained and Unconstrained Flows. Discrete Applied Mathematics 55(2): 113-132 (1994)
4 Frieda Granot, Michal Penn: On the (integral) maximum tw flow in vertex and edge capacitated planar graphs. IPCO 1993: 235-249
3EEFrieda Granot, Jadranka Skorin-Kapov: On Polynomial Solvability of the High Multiplicity Total Weighted Tardiness Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 41(2): 139-146 (1993)
2 Frieda Granot, Jadranka Skorin-Kapov: Towards a Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Strictly Convex Quadratic Programs: An Extension of Tardos' Algorithm. Math. Program. 46: 225-236 (1990)
1 Frieda Granot, Jadranka Skorin-Kapov: Some Proximity and Sensitivity Results in Quadratic Integer Programming. Math. Program. 47: 259-268 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Tali Eilam-Tzoreff [11]
2Antoine Gautier [5]
3Daniel Granot [10] [11]
4Michal Penn [4] [6] [7] [8]
5Maurice Queyranne [7]
6Jadranka Skorin-Kapov [1] [2] [3] [9]
7Greys Sosic [11]
8Amir Tamir [9]
9W. R. Zhu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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