
Xiaoding Yi

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5EES. Barry Cooper, Angsheng Li, Xiaoding Yi: On the distribution of Lachlan nonsplitting bases. Arch. Math. Log. 41(5): 455-482 (2002)
4 Xiaoding Yi: A Non-Splitting Theorem for d.r.e. Sets. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 82(1): 17-96 (1996)
3 S. Barry Cooper, Andrea Sorbi, Xiaoding Yi: Cupping and Noncupping in the Enumeration Degrees of Sigma20 Sets. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 82(3): 317-342 (1996)
2 Xiaoding Yi: Splittings of 0' into the Recursively Enumerable Degrees. Math. Log. Q. 42: 249-269 (1996)
1 Xiaoding Yi, Alistair H. Lachlan: Jump Theorems for REA Operators. Math. Log. Q. 39: 1-6 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1S. Barry Cooper [3] [5]
2Alistair H. Lachlan [1]
3Angsheng Li [5]
4Andrea Sorbi [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)