Volume 61,
Number 1,
March 1996
Volume 61,
Number 2,
June 1996
- Ross T. Brady:
Gentzenizations of Relevant Logics Without Distribution, I.
353-378 BibTeX
- Ross T. Brady:
Gentzenizations of Relevant Logics Without Distribution, II.
379-401 BibTeX
- Ross T. Brady:
Gentzenizations of Relevant Logics With Distribution.
402-420 BibTeX
- Michael Zakharyaschev:
Canonical Formulas for K4, Part II: Confinal Subframe Logics.
421-449 BibTeX
- Marcia J. Groszek, Michael E. Mytilinaios, Theodore A. Slaman:
The Sacks Density Theorem and Sigma2-Bounding.
450-467 BibTeX
- Thomas Glaß:
On Power Set in Explicit Mathematics.
468-489 BibTeX
- Penelope Maddy:
Set Theoretic Naturalism.
490-514 BibTeX
- Patrick Cégielski, Yuri Matiyasevich, Denis Richard:
Definability and Decidability Issues in Extensions of the Integers with the Divisibility Predicate.
515-540 BibTeX
- Yves Lafont:
The Undecidability of Second Order Linear Logic Without Exponentials.
541-548 BibTeX
- Yuri Gurevich, Saharon Shelah:
On Finite Rigid Structures.
549-562 BibTeX
- Olivier Finkel, Jean-Pierre Ressayre:
563-585 BibTeX
- Vladimir Kanovei:
On External Scott Algebras in Nonstandard Models of Peano Arithmetic.
586-607 BibTeX
- William C. Purdy:
Fluted Formulas and the Limits of Decidability.
608-620 BibTeX
- Ernest Schimmerling, John R. Steel:
Fine Structure for Tame Inner Models.
621-639 BibTeX
- Douglas E. Ensley:
Automorphism-Invariant Measures on aleph0-Categorical Structures Without the Independence Property.
640-652 BibTeX
- G. Y. Sher:
Did Tarski Commit ``Tarski's Fallacy''?
653-686 BibTeX
Volume 61,
Number 3,
September 1996
- Paul Taylor:
Intuitionistic Sets and Ordinals.
705-744 BibTeX
- Wim Veldman, Frank Waaldijk:
Some Elementary Results in Intuitionistic Model Theory.
745-767 BibTeX
- Jeremy Avigad:
On the Relationship Between ATR0 and ID<omega.
768-779 BibTeX
- Martin Gilchrist, Saharon Shelah:
Identities on Cardinals less than alephomega.
780-787 BibTeX
- Leon Horsten:
Reflecting in Epistemic Arithmetic.
788-801 BibTeX
- Lauri Hella, Kerkko Luosto, Jouko A. Väänänen:
The Hierarchy Theorem for Generalized Quantifiers.
802-817 BibTeX
- Gerhard Jäger, Thomas Strahm:
Some Theories with Positive Induction of Ordinal Strength phi omega 0.
818-842 BibTeX
- Silvio Ghilardi, Giancarlo Meloni:
Relational and Partial Variable Sets and Basic Predicate Logic.
843-872 BibTeX
- Alan Dow:
On Boolean Subalgebras of P(omega1)/ctble.
873-879 BibTeX
- Klaus Ambos-Spies, Peter A. Fejer, Steffen Lempp, Manuel Lerman:
Decidability of the Two-Quantifier Theory of the Recursively Enumerable Weak Truth-Table Degrees and Other Distributive Upper Semi-Lattices.
880-905 BibTeX
- Greg Hjorth:
On aleph1 Many Minimal Models.
906-919 BibTeX
- Claude Laflamme:
A Few Special Ordinal Ultrafilters.
920-927 BibTeX
- José Iovino:
The Morley Rank of a Banach Space.
928-941 BibTeX
- Domenico Zambella:
Notes on Polynomially Bounded Arithmetic.
942-966 BibTeX
- Ambar Chowdhury, James Loveys, Predrag Tanovic:
A Definable Continuous Rank for Nonmultidimensional Superstable Theories.
967-984 BibTeX
- Michael C. Laskowski, Laura L. Mayer:
Stable Structures with Few Substructures.
985-1005 BibTeX
- Natasha Alechina, Michiel van Lambalgen:
Generalized Quantification as Substructural Logic.
1006-1044 BibTeX
Volume 61,
Number 4,
December 1996
- Dov M. Gabbay:
Fibred Semantics and the Weaving of Logics, Part 1: Modal and Intuitionistic Logics.
1057-1120 BibTeX
- Françoise Delon, Rafel Farré:
Some Model Theory for Almost Real Closed Fields.
1121-1152 BibTeX
- José Carlos Cifuentes, Antonio Mario Sette, Daniele Mundici:
Cauchy Completeness in Elementary Logic.
1153-1157 BibTeX
- Masahiro Kumabe:
Minimal Complementation Below Uniform Upper Bounds for the Arithmetical Degrees.
1158-1192 BibTeX
- Grigori Mints:
Strong Termination for the Epsilong Substitution Method.
1193-1205 BibTeX
- Shmuel Lifsches, Saharon Shelah:
Uniformization, Choice Functions and Well Orders in the Class of Trees.
1206-1227 BibTeX
- Alessandro Berarducci, Margarita Otero:
A Recursive Nonstandard Model of Normal Open Induction.
1228-1241 BibTeX
- Pilar Dellunde, Ramon Jansana:
Some Characterization Theorems for Infinitary Universal Horn Logic Without Equality.
1242-1260 BibTeX
- Saharon Shelah:
If There Is an Exactly lambda-free Abelian Group There There Is an Exactly lambda-Separable One in lambda.
1261-1278 BibTeX
- James Loveys, Predrag Tanovic:
Countable Models of Trivial Theories Which Admit Finite Coding.
1279-1286 BibTeX
- Abhijit Dasgupta:
Boolean Operations, Borel Sets, and Hausdorff's Question.
1287-1304 BibTeX
- Michael C. Laskowski, Saharon Shelah:
Forcing Isomorphism II.
1305-1320 BibTeX
- Ross T. Brady:
Simple Gentzenizations for the Normal Formulae of Contraction-Less Logics.
1321-1346 BibTeX
- S. Barry Cooper, Andrea Sorbi:
Noncappable Enumeration Degrees Below 0'e.
1347-1363 BibTeX
- William C. Calhoun, Theodore A. Slaman:
The Pi20 Enumeration Degrees Are Not Dense.
1364-1379 BibTeX
- Thomas Jech, Saharon Shelah:
On Countably Closed Complete Boolean Algebras.
1380-1386 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:11:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)