
Peter A. Fejer

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6EERichard Beigel, Harry Buhrman, Peter A. Fejer, Lance Fortnow, Piotr Grabowski, Luc Longpré, Andrei A. Muchnik, Frank Stephan, Leen Torenvliet: Enumerations of the Kolmogorov Function Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(015): (2004)
5 Klaus Ambos-Spies, Peter A. Fejer: Embedding of N5 and the contiguous degrees. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 112(2-3): 151-188 (2001)
4EEPeter A. Fejer, Richard A. Shore: Every incomplete computably enumerable truth-table degree is branching. Arch. Math. Log. 40(2): 113-123 (2001)
3 Peter A. Fejer: Lattice Representations for Computability Theory. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 94(1-3): 53-74 (1998)
2 Klaus Ambos-Spies, Peter A. Fejer, Steffen Lempp, Manuel Lerman: Decidability of the Two-Quantifier Theory of the Recursively Enumerable Weak Truth-Table Degrees and Other Distributive Upper Semi-Lattices. J. Symb. Log. 61(3): 880-905 (1996)
1 Klaus Ambos-Spies, Peter A. Fejer: Degree Theoretical Splitting Properties of Recursively Enumerable Sets. J. Symb. Log. 53(4): 1110-1137 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Klaus Ambos-Spies [1] [2] [5]
2Richard Beigel [6]
3Harry Buhrman [6]
4Lance Fortnow [6]
5Piotr Grabowski [6]
6Steffen Lempp [2]
7Manuel Lerman [2]
8Luc Longpré [6]
9Andrej Muchnik (Andrei A. Muchnik) [6]
10Richard A. Shore [4]
11Frank Stephan [6]
12Leen Torenvliet [6]

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