Volume 51,
Number 1,
March 1986
Volume 51,
Number 2,
June 1986
- Klaus Ambos-Spies, Manuel Lerman:
Lattice Embeddings into the Recursively Enumerable Degrees.
257-272 BibTeX
- Peter Clote:
A Generalization of the Limit Lemma and Clopen Games.
273-291 BibTeX
- Eugene W. Madison, B. Zimmermann-Huisgen:
Combinatorial and Recursive Aspects of the Automorphism Group of the Countable Atomless Boolean Algebra.
292-301 BibTeX
- Rami P. Grossberg, Saharon Shelah:
On the Number of Nonisomorphic Models of an Infinitary Theory Which has the Infinitary Order Property, Part A.
302-322 BibTeX
- Steven Buechler:
Maximal Chains in the Fundamental Order.
323-326 BibTeX
- Akihiro Kanamori:
Finest Partitions for Ultrafilters.
327-332 BibTeX
- Nicolas D. Goodman:
Replacement and Collection: A Correction.
333 BibTeX
- Françoise Delon:
Periodicite Des Theories Elementaires Des Corps De Series Formelles Iterees.
334-351 BibTeX
- Theodore A. Slaman:
On the Kleene Degrees of pi11 Sets.
352-359 BibTeX
- Andrea Cantini:
On the Relation Between Choice and Comprehension Principles in Second Order Arithmetic.
360-373 BibTeX
- Simon Thomas:
Theories with Finitely Many Models.
374-376 BibTeX
- C. Ward Henson, H. Jerome Keisler:
On the Strength of Nonstandard Analysis.
377-386 BibTeX
- Nicolas D. Goodman:
Flagg Realizability in Arithmetic.
387-392 BibTeX
- Paul C. Gilmore:
Natural Deduction Based Set Theories: A New Resolution of the Old Paradoxes.
393-411 BibTeX
- Terrence Millar:
Prime Models and Almost Decidability.
412-420 BibTeX
- Victor Harnik:
omega1-Like Recursively Saturated Models of Presburger's Arithmetic.
421-429 BibTeX
- Terrence Millar:
Recursive Categoricity and Persistence.
430-434 BibTeX
- J. C. E. Dekker:
The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle for Finitely Many Isolated Sets.
435-447 BibTeX
- Masazumi Hanazawa, Mitio Takano:
An Interpolation Theorem in Many-Valued Logic.
448-452 BibTeX
- Theodore A. Slaman:
Sigma1 Definitions with Parameters.
453-461 BibTeX
- Peter Aczel, Jeff B. Paris, A. J. Wilkie, George M. Wilmers, C. E. M. Yates:
European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Manchester, England, 1984.
480-502 BibTeX
- Phillip J. Staines:
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Sydney, 1984.
503-506 BibTeX
- Andreas Blass, Louise Hay, Peter G. Hinman:
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Chicago, 1985.
507-510 BibTeX
Volume 51,
Number 3,
September 1986
- Joji Takahashi:
A Saturation Property of Ideals and Weakly Compact Cardinals.
513-525 BibTeX
- R. Michael Canjar:
Small Filter Forcing.
526-546 BibTeX
- Stewart Baldwin:
Between Strong and Superstrong.
547-559 BibTeX
- Jacek Cichon, Janusz Pawlikowski:
On Ideals of Subsets of the Plane and on Cohen Reals.
560-569 BibTeX
- Bruno Poizat:
Attention a la Marche!
570-585 BibTeX
- Miodrag Raskovic:
Completeness Theorem for Biprobability Models.
586-590 BibTeX
- Arthur W. Apter, James M. Henle:
Large Cardinal Structures Below alefomega.
591-603 BibTeX
- William S. Zwicker:
Pkappalambda Combinatorics II: The RK Ordering Beneath a Supercompact Measure.
604-616 BibTeX
- C. A. Johnson:
Distributive Ideals and Partition Relations.
617-625 BibTeX
- Jonathan P. Seldin:
On the Proof Theory of the Intermediate Logic MH.
626-647 BibTeX
- Moti Gitik:
On Precipitousness of the Nonstationary Ideal Over a Supercompact.
648-662 BibTeX
- John P. Burgess:
The Truth is Never Simple.
663-681 BibTeX
- Tsuyoshi Yukami:
Taking Out LK Parts from a Proof in Peano Arithmetic.
682-700 BibTeX
- Julius B. Barbanel:
Supercompact Cardinals, Trees of Normal Ultrafilters, and the Partition Property.
701-708 BibTeX
- Anand Pillay:
Some Remarks on Definable Equivalence Relations in O-Minimal Structures.
709-714 BibTeX
- Gabriel Srour:
The Independence Relation in Separably Closed Fields.
715-725 BibTeX
- Andreas Blass, Andre Scedrov:
Small Decidable Sheaves.
726-731 BibTeX
- Thomas G. McLaughlin:
Some Elementary Degree-Theoretic Reasons Why Structures Need Similarity Types.
732-747 BibTeX
- Andre Scedrov:
Some Properties of Epistemic Set Theory with Collection.
748-754 BibTeX
- T. G. Kucera:
Stability Theory for Topological Logic, with Applications to Topological Modules.
755-769 BibTeX
- Christine Ann Haught:
The Degrees Below A 1-Generic Degree < 0?
770-777 BibTeX
- Xavier Caicedo:
A Simple Solution to Friedman's Fourth Problem.
778-784 BibTeX
- Daniele Mundici:
Inverse Topological Systems and Compactness in Abstract Model Theory.
785-794 BibTeX
- Bruno Poizat:
A L'Ouest D'Eden.
795-816 BibTeX
- Jon Barwise, Solomon Feferman, David Israel:
Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic: Stanford, California, 1985.
832-862 BibTeX
Volume 51,
Number 4,
December 1986
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:12:00 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)