
George F. McNulty

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13EEGeorge F. McNulty, Zoltán Székely, Ross Willard: Equational Complexity of the Finite Algebra Membership Problem. IJAC 18(8): 1283-1319 (2008)
12EEGeorge F. McNulty: Minimum bases for equational theories of groups and rings: the work of Alfred Tarski and Thomas Green. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 127(1-3): 131-153 (2004)
11 Ralph Freese, George F. McNulty, James B. Nation: Inherently nonfinitely based lattices. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 115(1-3): 175-193 (2002)
10EEBrian A. Davey, Pawel M. Idziak, William A. Lampe, George F. McNulty: Dualizability and graph algebras. Discrete Mathematics 214(1-3): 145-172 (2000)
9 Jaroslav Jezek, George F. McNulty: Perfect Bases for Equational Theories. J. Symb. Comput. 19(5): 489-505 (1995)
8 Jaroslav Jezek, George F. McNulty: The Existence of Finitely Based Lower Covers for Finitely Based Equational Theories. J. Symb. Log. 60(4): 1242-1250 (1995)
7 George F. McNulty: A Field Guide to Equational Logic. J. Symb. Comput. 14(4): 371-398 (1992)
6 George F. McNulty: An Equational Logic Sampler. RTA 1989: 234-262
5 K. A. Baker, George F. McNulty, W. Taylor: Growth Problems for Avoidable Words. Theor. Comput. Sci. 69(3): 319-345 (1989)
4 George F. McNulty: Alfred Tarski and Undecidable Theories. J. Symb. Log. 51(4): 890-898 (1986)
3EEJoan P. Hutchinson, George F. McNulty: Connected graphs of genus g with complementary orbits. Discrete Mathematics 45(2-3): 255-275 (1983)
2 George F. McNulty: Fragments of First Order Logic, I: Universal Horn Logic. J. Symb. Log. 42(2): 221-237 (1977)
1 George F. McNulty: Undecidable Properties of Finite Sets of Equations. J. Symb. Log. 41(3): 589-604 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1K. A. Baker [5]
2Brian A. Davey [10]
3Ralph Freese [11]
4Joan P. Hutchinson [3]
5Pawel M. Idziak [10]
6Jaroslav Jezek [8] [9]
7William A. Lampe [10]
8James B. Nation [11]
9Zoltán Székely [13]
10W. Taylor [5]
11Ross Willard [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)