
James E. Baumgartner

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18 James E. Baumgartner, András Hajnal: Polarized Partition Relations. J. Symb. Log. 66(2): 811-821 (2001)
17 James E. Baumgartner: Ultrafilters on omega. J. Symb. Log. 60(2): 624-639 (1995)
16 James E. Baumgartner, Saharon Shelah, Simon Thomas: Maximal Subsets of Infinite Symmetric Groups. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34(1): 1-11 (1993)
15 James E. Baumgartner: On the Size of Closed Unbounded Sets. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 54(3): 195-227 (1991)
14 James E. Baumgartner, Otmar Spinas: Independence and Consistency Proofs in Quadratic Form Theory. J. Symb. Log. 56(4): 1195-1211 (1991)
13 James E. Baumgartner, Jean A. Larson: A Diamond Example of an Ordinal Graph with No Infinite Paths. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 47(1): 1-10 (1990)
12EEJames E. Baumgartner: Partition relations for countable topological spaces. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 43(2): 178-195 (1986)
11 James E. Baumgartner, Peter Lars Dordal: Adjoining Dominating Functions. J. Symb. Log. 50(1): 94-101 (1985)
10 James E. Baumgartner: Generic Graph Construction. J. Symb. Log. 49(1): 234-240 (1984)
9 James E. Baumgartner, James M. Henle: Infinite Subscripts from Infinite Exponents. J. Symb. Log. 49(2): 558-562 (1984)
8 James E. Baumgartner: Chains and Antichains in P(omega). J. Symb. Log. 45(1): 85-92 (1980)
7 James E. Baumgartner, Alan D. Taylor, Stanley Wagon: On Splitting Stationary Subsets of Large Cardinals. J. Symb. Log. 42(2): 203-214 (1977)
6 James E. Baumgartner, Leo Harrington, E. M. Kleinberg: Adding a Closed Unbounded Set. J. Symb. Log. 41(2): 481-482 (1976)
5 James E. Baumgartner: Partitioning Vector Spaces. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 18(2): 231-233 (1975)
4 James E. Baumgartner: Canonical Partition Relations. J. Symb. Log. 40(4): 541-554 (1975)
3 James E. Baumgartner: Improvement of a Partition Theorem of Erdös and Rado. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 17(1): 134-137 (1974)
2 James E. Baumgartner: A Short Proof of Hindman's Theorem. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 17(3): 384-386 (1974)
1 James E. Baumgartner: The Hanf Number for Complete L omega1, omega -Sentences (Without GCH). J. Symb. Log. 39(3): 575-578 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Lars Dordal [11]
2András Hajnal [18]
3Leo Harrington [6]
4James M. Henle [9]
5Eugene M. Kleinberg (E. M. Kleinberg) [6]
6Jean A. Larson [13]
7Saharon Shelah [16]
8Otmar Spinas [14]
9Alan D. Taylor [7]
10Simon Thomas [16]
11Stanley Wagon [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)