
Claire Gardent

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32EEClaire Gardent, Eric Kow: A Symbolic Approach to Near-Deterministic Surface Realisation using Tree Adjoining Grammar. ACL 2007
31EEClaire Gardent, Yannick Parmentier: SemTAG: a platform for specifying Tree Adjoining Grammars and performing TAG-based Semantic Construction. ACL 2007
30EEClaire Gardent, Yannick Parmentier: Coreference Handling in XMG. ACL 2006
29EEClaire Gardent, Yannick Parmentier: Large Scale Semantic Construction for Tree Adjoining Grammars. LACL 2005: 131-146
28EEClaire Gardent, Laura Kallmeyer: Semantic construction in F-TAG. EACL 2003: 123-130
27EEVincent Ng, Claire Gardent: Improving Machine Learning Approaches to Coreference Resolution. ACL 2002: 104-111
26EEClaire Gardent: Generating Minimal Definite Descriptions. ACL 2002: 96-103
25EEClaire Gardent, Stefan Thater: Generating with a Grammar Based on Tree Descriptions: a Constraint-Based Approach. ACL 2001: 212-219
24 Claire Gardent, Bonnie L. Webber: Towards the Use of Automated Reasoning in Discourse Disambiguation. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10(4): 487-509 (2001)
23EEClaire Gardent, Karsten Konrad: Understanding "Each Other". ANLP 2000: 319-326
22 Claire Gardent: Deaccenting and Higher-Order Unification. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9(3): 313-338 (2000)
21EEMarkus Egg, Claire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Steuerung der Inferenz in der Diskursverarbeitung. Kognitionswissenschaft 7(3): 106-110 (1998)
20 Claire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Computing Parallelism in Discourse. IJCAI (2) 1997: 1016-1021
19EEClaire Gardent: Sloppy Identity CoRR cmp-lg/9705002: (1997)
18EEClaire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Computing Parallelism in Discourse CoRR cmp-lg/9705004: (1997)
17 Claire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Higher-Order Coloured Unification and Natural Language Semantics. ACL 1996: 1-9
16EEClaire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Focus and Higher-Order Unification. COLING 1996: 430-435
15 Claire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase, Noor van Leusen: Corrections and Higher-Order Unification. KONVENS 1996: 268-279
14EEClaire Gardent: Sloopy Identity. LACL 1996: 188-207
13EEClaire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Higher-Order Coloured Unification and Natural Language Semantics CoRR cmp-lg/9605004: (1996)
12EEClaire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase: Focus and Higher-Order Unification CoRR cmp-lg/9605005: (1996)
11EEClaire Gardent, Michael Kohlhase, Noor van Leusen: Corrections and Higher-Order Unification CoRR cmp-lg/9609001: (1996)
10EEPatrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent: A Specification Language for Lexical Functional Grammars. EACL 1995: 39-44
9EEPatrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent: A specification language for Lexical Functional Grammars CoRR cmp-lg/9503005: (1995)
8 Patrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent, Maarten de Rijke: Back and Forth Through Time and Events. ICTL 1994: 225-237
7EEClaire Gardent: A unification-based approach to multiple VP Ellipsis resolution. EACL 1993: 139-148
6EEPatrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent, Wilfried Meyer-Viol: Talking About Trees. EACL 1993: 21-29
5EEClaire Gardent, Agnès Plainfossé: Generating from a Deep Structure. COLING 1990: 127-132
4EEDieter Kohl, Agnès Plainfossé, Claire Gardent: The General Architecture of Generation in ACORD. COLING 1990: 388-390
3 Claire Gardent: Dynamic Semantics and VP-Ellipsis. JELIA 1990: 251-266
2 Claire Gardent, Gabriel G. Bès, Pierre-François Jurie, Karine Baschung: Efficient Parsing for French. ACL 1989: 280-287
1EEGabriel G. Bès, Claire Gardent: French Order Without Order. EACL 1989: 249-255

Coauthor Index

1Karine Baschung [2]
2Gabriel G. Bès [1] [2]
3Patrick Blackburn [6] [8] [9] [10]
4Markus Egg [21]
5Pierre-François Jurie [2]
6Laura Kallmeyer [28]
7Dieter Kohl [4]
8Michael Kohlhase [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21]
9Karsten Konrad [23]
10Eric Kow [32]
11Noor van Leusen [11] [15]
12Wilfried Meyer-Viol [6]
13Vincent Ng [27]
14Yannick Parmentier [29] [30] [31]
15Agnès Plainfossé [4] [5]
16Maarten de Rijke [8]
17Stefan Thater [25]
18Bonnie L. Webber [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)