
Johannes Heidema

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9 Katarina Britz, Johannes Heidema, Thomas Meyer: Semantic Preferential Subsumption. KR 2008: 476-484
8EEWillem L. Fouché, Johannes Heidema, Glyn Jones, Petrus H. Potgieter: Universality and programmability of quantum computers. Theor. Comput. Sci. 403(1): 121-129 (2008)
7EESamir Chopra, Johannes Heidema, Thomas Andreas Meyer: Some Logics of Belief and Disbelief. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 364-376
6EEKatarina Britz, Johannes Heidema: Semiring-Valued Satisfiability. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 402-413
5 Samir Chopra, Johannes Heidema, Thomas Andreas Andreas Meyer: Some logics of belief and disbelief. NMR 2002: 25-32
4EESamir Chopra, Johannes Heidema, Thomas Andreas Meyer: Some logics of belief and disbelief CoRR cs.AI/0207037: (2002)
3 Johannes Heidema, Isabella C. Burger: Epistemic States Guiding the Rational Dynamics of Information. PRICAI 2000: 275-285
2 Thomas Andreas Meyer, Willem Adrian Labuschagne, Johannes Heidema: Refined Epistemic Entrenchment. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9(2): 237-259 (2000)
1 Thomas Andreas Meyer, Willem Adrian Labuschagne, Johannes Heidema: Infobase Change: A First Approximation. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9(3): 353-377 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Katarina Britz [6] [9]
2Isabella C. Burger [3]
3Samir Chopra [4] [5] [7]
4Willem L. Fouché [8]
5Glyn Jones [8]
6Willem Adrian Labuschagne [1] [2]
7Thomas Meyer [9]
8Thomas Andreas Meyer (Tommie Meyer) [1] [2] [4] [7]
9Thomas Andreas Andreas Meyer [5]
10Petrus H. Potgieter [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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