
Marc Zeitoun

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12EEBlaise Genest, Anca Muscholl, Olivier Serre, Marc Zeitoun: Tree Pattern Rewriting Systems. ATVA 2008: 332-346
11EENicolas Caniart, Emmanuel Fleury, Jérôme Leroux, Marc Zeitoun: Accelerating Interpolation-Based Model-Checking. TACAS 2008: 428-442
10EEJorge Almeida, Marc Zeitoun: Description and analysis of a bottom-up DFA minimization algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 107(2): 52-59 (2008)
9EEJorge Almeida, Marc Zeitoun: An automata-theoretic approach to the word problem for omega -terms over R. Theor. Comput. Sci. 370(1-3): 131-169 (2007)
8EEPaul Gastin, Nathalie Sznajder, Marc Zeitoun: Distributed Synthesis for Well-Connected Architectures. FSTTCS 2006: 321-332
7EEBlaise Genest, Anca Muscholl, Helmut Seidl, Marc Zeitoun: Infinite-state high-level MSCs: Model-checking and realizability. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 72(4): 617-647 (2006)
6EELoïc Hélouët, Marc Zeitoun, Aldric Degorre: Scenarios and Covert Channels: Another Game... Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 119(1): 93-116 (2005)
5EEPaul Gastin, Benjamin Lerman, Marc Zeitoun: Distributed Games with Causal Memory Are Decidable for Series-Parallel Systems. FSTTCS 2004: 275-286
4EEPaul Gastin, Benjamin Lerman, Marc Zeitoun: Distributed Games and Distributed Control for Asynchronous Systems. LATIN 2004: 455-465
3EEPaul Gastin, Pierre Moro, Marc Zeitoun: Minimization of Counterexamples in SPIN. SPIN 2004: 92-108
2EEBlaise Genest, Anca Muscholl, Helmut Seidl, Marc Zeitoun: Infinite-State High-Level MSCs: Model-Checking and Realizability. ICALP 2002: 657-668
1 Jorge Almeida, Marc Zeitoun: The Pseudovariety J is Hyperdecidable. ITA 31(5): 457-482 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Almeida [1] [9] [10]
2Nicolas Caniart [11]
3Aldric Degorre [6]
4Emmanuel Fleury [11]
5Paul Gastin [3] [4] [5] [8]
6Blaise Genest [2] [7] [12]
7Loïc Hélouët [6]
8Benjamin Lerman [4] [5]
9Jérôme Leroux [11]
10Pierre Moro [3]
11Anca Muscholl [2] [7] [12]
12Helmut Seidl [2] [7]
13Olivier Serre [12]
14Nathalie Sznajder [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)