
Stefano Basagni

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34EEStefano Basagni, Michele Nati, Chiara Petrioli: Localization Error-Resilient Geographic Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 870-875
33EEStefano Basagni, Chiara Petrioli, Roberto Petroccia: Efficiently reconfigurable backbones for wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 31(4): 668-698 (2008)
32EERituparna Ghosh, Stefano Basagni: Mitigating the impact of node mobility on ad hoc clustering. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(3): 295-308 (2008)
31EEStefano Basagni, Alessio Carosi, Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Chiara Petrioli, Z. Maria Wang: Controlled sink mobility for prolonging wireless sensor networks lifetime. Wireless Networks 14(6): 831-858 (2008)
30EEStefano Basagni, Alessio Carosi, Chiara Petrioli: Controlled Vs. Uncontrolled Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks: Some Performance Insights. VTC Fall 2007: 269-273
29EEFrancesco Nidito, Michele Battelli, Stefano Basagni: Fault-Tolerant and Load Balancing Localization of Services in Wireless Sensor Networks. VTC Fall 2007: 382-386
28EEStefano Basagni, Antonio Capone: Recent research directions in wireless ad hoc networking. Ad Hoc Networks 5(8): 1205-1207 (2007)
27EEStefano Basagni, Cynthia A. Phillips: Editors Foreword to the Special Issue on Principles of Mobile Communications and Computing. Algorithmica 49(4): 259-263 (2007)
26EEMatthew B. Kowalski, Keith D. Bertolino, Stefano Basagni: Hack Boston: Monitoring Wireless Security Awareness in an Urban Setting. CCECE 2006: 1308-1311
25EEStefano Basagni, Michele Battelli, Moreno Iachizzi, Chiara Petrioli, Masoud Salehi: Limiting the Propagation of Localization Errors in Multi-hop Wireless Networks. PerCom Workshops 2006: 295-300
24EEStefano Basagni, Michele Mastrogiovanni, Alessandro Panconesi, Chiara Petrioli: Localized Protocols for Ad Hoc Clustering and Backbone Formation: A Performance Comparison. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(4): 292-306 (2006)
23EEStefano Basagni, Alessio Carosi, Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Chiara Petrioli, Z. Maria Wang: Protocols and model for sink mobility in wireless sensor networks. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 10(4): 28-30 (2006)
22EEZ. Maria Wang, Stefano Basagni, Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Chiara Petrioli: Exploiting Sink Mobility for Maximizing Sensor Networks Lifetime. HICSS 2005
21EERituparna Ghosh, Stefano Basagni: Limiting the impact of mobility on ad hoc clustering. PE-WASUN 2005: 197-204
20 Stefano Basagni, Cynthia A. Phillips: Proceedings of the DIALM-POMC Joint Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 1, 2004 ACM 2004
19EEChiara Petrioli, Stefano Basagni, Imrich Chlamtac: BlueMesh: Degree-Constrained Multi-Hop Scatternet Formation for Bluetooth Networks . MONET 9(1): 33-47 (2004)
18EEStefano Basagni, Raffaele Bruno, Gabriele Mambrini, Chiara Petrioli: Comparative Performance Evaluation of Scatternet Formation Protocols for Networks of Bluetooth Devices. Wireless Networks 10(2): 197-213 (2004)
17EEStefano Basagni, Raffaele Bruno, Chiara Petrioli: A Performance Comparison of Scatternet Formation Protocols for Networks of Bluetooth Devices. PerCom 2003: 341-350
16EEChiara Petrioli, Stefano Basagni, Imrich Chlamtac: Configuring BlueStars: Multihop Scatternet Formation for Bluetooth Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(6): 779-790 (2003)
15 Enrico Gregori, Giuseppe Anastasi, Stefano Basagni: Advanced Lectures on Networking, NETWORKING 2002 [This book presents the revised version of seven tutorials given at the NETWORKING 2002 Conference in Pisa, Italy in May 2002] Springer 2002
14EEStefano Basagni, Raffaele Bruno, Chiara Petrioli: Device Discovery in Bluetooth Networks: A Scatternet Perspective. NETWORKING 2002: 1087-1092
13EEStefano Basagni: Remarks on Ad Hoc Networking. NETWORKING Tutorials 2002: 101-123
12 Stefano Basagni: Guest Editorial Multipoint Communication in Wireless Mobile Networks. MONET 7(6): 427-427 (2002)
11EEStefano Basagni, Sung-Ju Lee: Special issue: Mobile ad hoc networking - research, trends and applications. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(5): 439-440 (2002)
10 Stefano Basagni: Proving Lower Bounds for Distributed Ad Hoc Broadcast. ISCA PDCS 2001: 171-176
9EEStefano Basagni, Kris Herrin, Danilo Bruschi, Emilia Rosti: Secure pebblenets. MobiHoc 2001: 156-163
8EEStefano Basagni, Imrich Chlamtac, Violet R. Syrotiuk: Location aware, dependable multicast for mobile ad hoc networks. Computer Networks 36(5/6): 659-670 (2001)
7 Stefano Basagni: Finding a Maximal Weighted Independent Set in Wireless Networks. Telecommunication Systems 18(1-3): 155-168 (2001)
6 Stefano Basagni, Danilo Bruschi: A logarithmic lower bound for time-spread multiple-access (TSMA) protocols. Wireless Networks 6(2): 161-163 (2000)
5 András Faragó, Imrich Chlamtac, Stefano Basagni: Virtual Path Network Topology Optimization Using Random Graphs. INFOCOM 1999: 491-496
4EEStefano Basagni: Distributed Clustering for Ad Hoc Networks. ISPAN 1999: 310-315
3EEStefano Basagni, Imrich Chlamtac, Danilo Bruschi: A mobility-transparent deterministic broadcast mechanism for ad hoc networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(6): 799-807 (1999)
2EEStefano Basagni, Imrich Chlamtac, Violet R. Syrotiuk, Barry A. Woodward: A Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM). MOBICOM 1998: 76-84
1 Stefano Basagni, Danilo Bruschi, F. Ravasio: On the Difficulty of Finding Walks of Length k. ITA 31(5): 429-435 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Giuseppe Anastasi [15]
2Michele Battelli [25] [29]
3Keith D. Bertolino [26]
4Raffaele Bruno [14] [17] [18]
5Danilo Bruschi [1] [3] [6] [9]
6Antonio Capone [28]
7Alessio Carosi [23] [30] [31]
8Imrich Chlamtac [2] [3] [5] [8] [16] [19]
9András Faragó [5]
10Rituparna Ghosh [21] [32]
11Enrico Gregori [15]
12Kris Herrin [9]
13Moreno Iachizzi [25]
14Matthew B. Kowalski [26]
15Sung-Ju Lee [11]
16Gabriele Mambrini [18]
17Michele Mastrogiovanni [24]
18Emanuel Melachrinoudis [22] [23] [31]
19Michele Nati [34]
20Francesco Nidito [29]
21Alessandro Panconesi [24]
22Chiara Petrioli [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [24] [25] [30] [31] [33] [34]
23Roberto Petroccia [33]
24Cynthia A. Phillips [20] [27]
25F. Ravasio [1]
26Emilia Rosti [9]
27Masoud Salehi [25]
28Violet R. Syrotiuk [2] [8]
29Z. Maria Wang [22] [23] [31]
30Barry A. Woodward [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)