
G. M. Nijssen

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15 C. M. R. Leung, G. M. Nijssen: Relational database design using the NIAM conceptual schema. Inf. Syst. 13(2): 219-227 (1988)
14 C. M. R. Leung, G. M. Nijssen: From a NIAM Conceptual Schema into the optimal SQL Relational Database Schema. Australian Computer Journal 19(2): 69-75 (1987)
13 G. M. Nijssen: On Experience with Large-Scale Teaching and Use of Fact-Based Conceptual Schemas in Industry and University. DS-1 1985: 189-204
12 S. Tehrani, G. M. Nijssen: UCL: A User-Friendly Conceptual Language. Australian Computer Journal 17(4): 174-180 (1985)
11 Dirk Vermeir, G. M. Nijssen: A procedure to define the object type structure of a conceptual schema. Inf. Syst. 7(4): 329-336 (1982)
10 G. M. Nijssen: Towards an Ideal Conceptual Model for Data Base Management. ICOD 1980: 179-180
9 G. M. Nijssen: On the Gross Architecture for the Next Generation Database Management System. IFIP Congress 1977: 327-335
8 G. M. Nijssen: Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Proceeding of the IFIP Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Freudenstadt, Germany, January 5-8, 1976 North-Holland 1976
7 G. M. Nijssen: A Gross Architecture for the Next Generation Database Management System. IFIP Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems 1976: 1-24
6 G. M. Nijssen: Set and CODASYL Set or Coset. IFIP TC-2 Special Working Conference on Data Base Description 1975: 1-72
5 B. C. M. Douqué, G. M. Nijssen: The Wépion Recommendations on the CODASYL DDL 1973. IFIP TC-2 Special Working Conference on Data Base Description 1975: 369-372
4 G. M. Nijssen: Two major flaws in the CODASYL DDL 1973 and Proposed Corrections. Inf. Syst. 1(4): 115-132 (1975)
3 G. M. Nijssen: Data Structuring in the DDL and Relational Data Model. IFIP Working Conference Data Base Management 1974: 363-384
2EEG. M. Nijssen: Common Data Base Languages. DATA BASE 4(4): 7-11 (1972)
1EEG. M. Nijssen: Efficient Batch Updating of a Random File. SIGFIDET Workshop 1971: 173-186

Coauthor Index

1B. C. M. Douqué [5]
2C. M. R. Leung [14] [15]
3S. Tehrani [12]
4Dirk Vermeir [11]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)