
E. A. Unger

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5EED. S. Rogers, E. A. Unger: A deterrent to linear system inferential attacks using a mediator. SAC 1994: 15-19
4EES. C. Hansen, E. A. Unger: An Extended Memoryless Inference Control Method: Accounting for Dependence in Table-level Controls. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 348-356
3EEJames F. Peters, Sheela Ramanna, E. A. Unger: Logic of Knowledge and Belief in the Design of an Integrity Kernel for an Office Information System (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 417
2 James F. Peters, Sheela Ramanna, E. A. Unger: Design of Knowiedge-Based Integrity Systems with ISL++. SEKE 1990: 183-188
1 Jacob Slonim, L. J. MacRae, Richard A. McBride, Fred J. Maryanski, E. A. Unger, Paul S. Fisher: A troughput model: sequential vs concurrent processing. Inf. Syst. 7(1): 65-83 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Paul S. Fisher [1]
2S. C. Hansen [4]
3L. J. MacRae [1]
4Fred J. Maryanski [1]
5Richard A. McBride [1]
6James F. Peters [2] [3]
7Sheela Ramanna [2] [3]
8D. S. Rogers [5]
9Jacob Slonim [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)