Volume 3,
- David K. Arrowsmith, John W. Essam:
Reciprocity and Polynomial Properties for Even Flows and Potentials on Directed Graphs.
1-11 BibTeX
- József Beck:
Deterministic Graphs Games and a Probabilistic Intuition.
13-26 BibTeX
- Sergei L. Bezrukov:
On Oriented Embedding of the Binary tree into the Hypercube.
27-38 BibTeX
- Colin Cooper, Alan M. Frieze, Michael Molloy:
Hamilton Cycles in Random Regular Digraphs.
39-49 BibTeX
- Reinhard Diestel, Imre Leader:
The Growth of Infinite Graphs: Boundedness and Finite Spreading.
51-55 BibTeX
- Péter L. Erdös, Ákos Seress, László A. Székely:
On Intersecting Chains in Boolean Algebras.
57-62 BibTeX
- Zoltán Füredi, Michel X. Goemans, Daniel J. Kleitman:
On the Maximum Number of Triangles in Wheel-Free Graphs.
63-75 BibTeX
- Mario Gionfriddo, Salvatore Milici, Zsolt Tuza:
Blocking Sets in SQS(2u).
77-86 BibTeX
- Roland Häggkvist, Anders Johansson:
(1, 2)-Factorizations of General Eulerian Nearly Regular Graphs.
87-95 BibTeX
- Svante Janson:
The Numbers of Spanning Trees, Hamilton cycles and Perfect Matchings in a Random Graph.
97-126 BibTeX
- Jaroslav Nesetril, Pavel Valtr:
A Ramsey-type Theorem in the Plane.
127-135 BibTeX
- D. J. A. Welsh:
Randomised Approximation in the Tutte Plane.
137-143 BibTeX
- Ron Aharoni, Reinhard Diestel:
Menger's Theorem for a Countable Source Set.
145-156 BibTeX
- Martin Aigner, Regina Klimmek:
Matchings in Lattice Graphs and Hamming Graphs.
157-165 BibTeX
- Andrew D. Barbour, Simon Tavaré:
A Rate for the Erdös-Turan Law.
167-176 BibTeX
- Walter A. Deuber, Wolfgang Thumser:
A Combinatorial Approach to Complexity Theory via Ordinal Hierarchies.
177-190 BibTeX
- Michel Deza, Viatcheslav P. Grishukhin:
Lattice Points of Cut Cones.
191-214 BibTeX
- J. Keith Dugdale, Anthony J. W. Hilton:
Amalgemated Factorizations of Complete Graphs.
215-231 BibTeX
- Hubert de Fraysseix, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, Pierre Rosenstiehl:
On Triangle Contact Graphs.
233-246 BibTeX
- János Komlós, Endre Szemerédi:
Topological Cliques in Graphs.
247-256 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Mader:
On Vertex-Edge-Critically n-Connected Graphs.
257-271 BibTeX
- J. D. Annan:
A Randomised Approximation Algorithm for Counting the Number of Forests in Dense Graphs.
273-283 BibTeX
- Yossi Azar:
Lower Bounds for Insertion Methods for TSP.
285-292 BibTeX
- Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Tomasz Luczak:
Independet Transversals in Sparse Partite Hypergraphs.
293-296 BibTeX
- Paul Erdös, András Hajnal, Miklós Simonovits, Vera T. Sós, Endre Szemerédi:
Turán-Ramsey Theorems and Kp-Independence Numbers.
297-325 BibTeX
- Peter L. Hammer, Alexander K. Kelmans:
On Universal Threshold Graphs.
327-344 BibTeX
- Abba M. Krieger, Paul R. Rosenbaum:
A Stochastic Comparisor for Arrangement Increasing Functions.
345-348 BibTeX
- Michael Krivelevich:
Ks-Free Graphs Without Large Kr-Free Subgraphs.
349-354 BibTeX
- Manoel Lemos:
Non-Binary Madroids Having At Most Three Non-Binary Elements.
355-369 BibTeX
- Allan D. Mills:
A Matroid Reconstruction Result.
371-373 BibTeX
- Bojan Mohar:
Obstructions for the Disk and the Cylinder Embedding Extension Problems.
375-406 BibTeX
- Alon Nilli:
Perfect Hashing and Probability.
407-409 BibTeX
- Andrzej Pelc:
Almost Safe Testing with Few Tests.
411-419 BibTeX
- Prasad Tetali:
An Extension of Foster's Network Theorem.
421-427 BibTeX
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai:
On Partitioning and Packing Products with Rectangles.
429-434 BibTeX
- Neal Brand, Steve Jackson:
Properties of Classes of Random Graphs.
435-454 BibTeX
- Moshe Dubiner, Uri Zwick:
How Do Read-Once Formulae Shrink?
455-469 BibTeX
- J. M. Hammersley, Giuseppe Mazzarino:
Properties of Large Eden Clusters in the Plane.
471-505 BibTeX
- Claus-Peter Schnorr:
Block Reduced Lattice Bases and Successive Minima.
507-522 BibTeX
- Farhad Shahrokhi, László A. Székely:
On Canonical Concurrent Flows, Crossing Number and Graph Expansion.
523-543 BibTeX
- Arthur T. White:
An Introduction to Random Topological Graphs Theory.
545-555 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:54:25 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)