2009 |
83 | EE | Penny E. Haxell,
Tomasz Luczak,
Yuejian Peng,
Vojtech Rödl,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Jozef Skokan:
The Ramsey Number for 3-Uniform Tight Hypergraph Cycles.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 18(1-2): 165-203 (2009) |
2008 |
82 | EE | Zbigniew Golebiewski,
Miroslaw Kutylowski,
Tomasz Luczak,
Filip Zagórski:
Self-stabilizing population of mobile agents.
IPDPS 2008: 1-8 |
81 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Miklós Simonovits:
On the minimum degree forcing F-free graphs to be (nearly) bipartite.
Discrete Mathematics 308(17): 3998-4002 (2008) |
80 | EE | Christian Avart,
Péter Komjáth,
Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl:
Colorful Flowers.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 255-258 (2008) |
2007 |
79 | EE | Tom Bohman,
Alan M. Frieze,
Tomasz Luczak,
Oleg Pikhurko,
Clifford D. Smyth,
Joel Spencer,
Oleg Verbitsky:
First-Order Definability of Trees and Sparse Random Graphs.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 16(3): 375-400 (2007) |
78 | EE | Agnieszka Figaj,
Tomasz Luczak:
The Ramsey number for a triple of long even cycles.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 97(4): 584-596 (2007) |
2006 |
77 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
On The Structure Of Triangle-Free Graphs Of Large Minimum Degree.
Combinatorica 26(4): 489-493 (2006) |
76 | EE | Ronald J. Gould,
Tomasz Luczak,
John R. Schmitt:
Constructive Upper Bounds for Cycle-Saturated Graphs of Minimum Size.
Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006) |
75 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Jaroslav Nesetril:
When is a random graph projective?
Eur. J. Comb. 27(7): 1147-1154 (2006) |
74 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Pawel Pralat:
Protean Graphs.
Internet Mathematics 3(1): (2006) |
73 | EE | Penny E. Haxell,
Tomasz Luczak,
Yuejian Peng,
Vojtech Rödl,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Miklós Simonovits,
Jozef Skokan:
The Ramsey number for hypergraph cycles I.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(1): 67-83 (2006) |
72 | EE | Malwina J. Luczak,
Tomasz Luczak:
The phase transition in the cluster-scaled model of a random graph.
Random Struct. Algorithms 28(2): 215-246 (2006) |
71 | EE | Mihyun Kang,
Youngmee Koh,
Sangwook Ree,
Tomasz Luczak:
The connectivity threshold for the min-degree random graph process.
Random Struct. Algorithms 29(1): 105-120 (2006) |
70 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Jaroslav Nesetril:
A Probabilistic Approach to the Dichotomy Problem.
SIAM J. Comput. 36(3): 835-843 (2006) |
2005 |
69 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Eric Vigoda:
Torpid mixing of the Wang-Swendsen-Kotecký algorithm for sampling colorings.
J. Discrete Algorithms 3(1): 92-100 (2005) |
2004 |
68 | EE | Marcin Gogolewski,
Miroslaw Kutylowski,
Tomasz Luczak:
Mobile Mixing.
ICISC 2004: 380-393 |
67 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Florian Pfender:
Claw-free 3-connected P11-free graphs are hamiltonian.
Journal of Graph Theory 47(2): 111-121 (2004) |
66 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Jaroslav Nesetril:
Note on projective graphs.
Journal of Graph Theory 47(2): 81-86 (2004) |
65 | EE | Ronald J. Gould,
Tomasz Luczak,
Florian Pfender:
Pancyclicity of 3-connected graphs: Pairs of forbidden subgraphs.
Journal of Graph Theory 47(3): 183-202 (2004) |
2002 |
64 | EE | Penny E. Haxell,
Tomasz Luczak,
P. W. Tingley:
Ramsey Numbers for Trees of Small Maximum Degree.
Combinatorica 22(2): 287-320 (2002) |
63 | EE | Izolda Gorgol,
Tomasz Luczak:
On induced Ramsey numbers.
Discrete Mathematics 251(1-3): 87-96 (2002) |
62 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Sebastian Urbanski:
Vertex Ramsey Properties of Families of Graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 84(2): 240-248 (2002) |
61 | EE | Ronald L. Graham,
Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl,
Andrzej Rucinski:
Ramsey Properties of Families of Graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 86(2): 413-419 (2002) |
60 | EE | Noga Alon,
Benjamin Doerr,
Tomasz Luczak,
Tomasz Schoen:
On the discrepancy of combinatorial rectangles.
Random Struct. Algorithms 21(3-4): 205-215 (2002) |
2001 |
59 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Sebastian Urbanski:
On minimal Folkman graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 236(1-3): 245-262 (2001) |
58 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Tomasz Schoen:
Sum-Free Subsets of Right Cancellative Semigroups.
Eur. J. Comb. 22(7): 999-1002 (2001) |
57 | | Malgorzata Bednarska,
Tomasz Luczak:
Biased positional games and the phase transition.
Random Struct. Algorithms 18(2): 141-152 (2001) |
2000 |
56 | EE | Malgorzata Bednarska,
Tomasz Luczak:
Biased Positional Games for Which Random Strategies are Nearly Optimal.
Combinatorica 20(4): 477-488 (2000) |
55 | EE | Penny E. Haxell,
Tomasz Luczak:
Embedding trees into graphs of large girth.
Discrete Mathematics 216(1-3): 273-278 (2000) |
54 | | Tomasz Luczak:
On triangle-free random graphs.
Random Struct. Algorithms 16(3): 260-276 (2000) |
1999 |
53 | EE | Wojciech Kordecki,
Tomasz Luczak:
On the connectivity of random subsets of projective spaces.
Discrete Mathematics 196(1-3): 207-217 (1999) |
52 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
R(Cn, Cn, Cn)<=(4+o(1)) n.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 75(2): 174-187 (1999) |
1998 |
51 | | Dwight Duffus,
Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl,
Andrzej Rucinski:
Endomorphisms of Partially Ordered Sets.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 7(1): 33-46 (1998) |
50 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl,
Endre Szemerédi:
Partitioning Two-Coloured Complete Graphs into Two Monochromatic Cycles.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 7(4): 423-436 (1998) |
49 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl,
Tomasz Schoen:
Independent finite sums in graphs defined on the natural numbers.
Discrete Mathematics 181(1-3): 289-294 (1998) |
48 | | Tomasz Luczak:
Random trees and random graphs.
Random Struct. Algorithms 13(3-4): 485-500 (1998) |
47 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
A Greedy Algorithm Estimating the Height of Random Trees.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(2): 318-329 (1998) |
1997 |
46 | | Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl:
On K4-Free Subgraphs of Random Graphs.
Combinatorica 17(2): 173-213 (1997) |
45 | EE | Ervin Györi,
Alexandr V. Kostochka,
Tomasz Luczak:
Graphs without short odd cycles are nearly bipartite.
Discrete Mathematics 163(1-3): 279-284 (1997) |
44 | EE | Michal Karonski,
Tomasz Luczak:
The number of connected sparsely edged uniform hypergraphs.
Discrete Mathematics 171(1-3): 153-167 (1997) |
43 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Wojciech Szpankowski:
A suboptimal lossy data compression based on approximate pattern matching.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(5): 1439-1451 (1997) |
42 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Wojciech Szpankowski:
Correction to 'A Suboptimal Lossy Data Compression Based on Approximate Pattern Matching'.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(6): 2064-2065 (1997) |
41 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Edyta Szymanska:
A Parallel Randomized Algorithm for Finding a Maximal Independent Set in a Linear Hypergraph.
J. Algorithms 25(2): 311-320 (1997) |
40 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Lubos Thoma:
Convergence of probabilities for the second order monadic properties of a random mapping.
Random Struct. Algorithms 11(3): 277-295 (1997) |
1996 |
39 | | Penny E. Haxell,
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
Turán's Extremal Problem in Random Graphs: Forbidding ODD Cycles.
Combinatorica 16(1): 107-122 (1996) |
38 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Jacek Gruszka:
On the evolution of a random tournament.
Discrete Mathematics 148(1-3): 311-316 (1996) |
37 | EE | Paul Erdös,
András Gyárfás,
Tomasz Luczak:
Graphs in which each C4 spans K4.
Discrete Mathematics 154(1-3): 263-268 (1996) |
36 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Vojtech Rödl:
On Induced Ramsey Numbers for Graphs with Bounded Maximum Degree.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 66(2): 324-333 (1996) |
1995 |
35 | | Penny E. Haxell,
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
The Induced Size-Ramsey Number of Cycles.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 4: 217-239 (1995) |
34 | | Tomasz Luczak:
A Note on the Density of Sum-free Sets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 70(2): 334-336 (1995) |
33 | EE | Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
Sparse Anti-Ramsey Graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 63(1): 146-152 (1995) |
32 | EE | Penny E. Haxell,
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
Turán's Extremal Problem in Random Graphs: Forbidding Even Cycles.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 64(2): 273-287 (1995) |
31 | | Béla Bollobás,
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
Connectivity Properties of Random Subgraphs of the Cube.
Random Struct. Algorithms 6(2/3): 221-230 (1995) |
30 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Saharon Shelah:
Convergence in Homogeneous Random Graphs.
Random Struct. Algorithms 6(4): 371-393 (1995) |
1994 |
29 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Wojciech Szpankowski:
A Lossy Data Compression Based on String Matching: Preliminary Analysis and Suboptimal Algorithms.
CPM 1994: 102-112 |
28 | | Paul Erdös,
András Gyárfás,
Tomasz Luczak:
Independet Transversals in Sparse Partite Hypergraphs.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 3: 293-296 (1994) |
27 | EE | D. Frank Hsu,
Tomasz Luczak:
On the k-diameter of k-regular k-connected graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 133(1-3): 291-296 (1994) |
26 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
Phase transition phenomena in random discrete structures.
Discrete Mathematics 136(1-3): 225-242 (1994) |
25 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
On Ramsey Minimal Graphs.
Electr. J. Comb. 1: (1994) |
24 | | Alan M. Frieze,
Svante Janson,
Tomasz Luczak:
Random Struct. Algorithms 5(1): 1-3 (1994) |
23 | | Paul Erdös,
Tomasz Luczak:
Change of Leadership in a Random Graph Process.
Random Struct. Algorithms 5(1): 243-252 (1994) |
22 | | Béla Bollobás,
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
On the Diameter and Radius of Random Subgraphs of the Cube.
Random Struct. Algorithms 5(5): 627-648 (1994) |
1993 |
21 | | Paul Fischer,
Klaus-Uwe Höffgen,
Hanno Lefmann,
Tomasz Luczak:
Approximations with Axis-Aligned Rectangles (Extended Abstract).
FCT 1993: 244-255 |
20 | | Tomasz Luczak,
László Pyber:
On Random Generation of the Symmetic Group.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 2: 505-512 (1993) |
19 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
The size of the largest hole in a random graph.
Discrete Mathematics 112(1-3): 151-163 (1993) |
18 | | Svante Janson,
Donald E. Knuth,
Tomasz Luczak,
Boris Pittel:
The Birth of the Giant Component.
Random Struct. Algorithms 4(3): 233-359 (1993) |
1992 |
17 | | Jerzy Jaworski,
Tomasz Luczak:
Cycles in a Uniform Graph Process.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1: 223-239 (1992) |
16 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Boris Pittel:
Componenets of Random Forests.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1: 35-52 (1992) |
15 | EE | Alan M. Frieze,
Tomasz Luczak:
On the independence and chromatic numbers of random regular graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 54(1): 123-132 (1992) |
14 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Andrzej Rucinski,
Bernd Voigt:
Ramsey properties of random graphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 56(1): 55-68 (1992) |
13 | | Béla Bollobás,
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
Tomasz Luczak:
The Evaluation of Random Subgraphs of the Cube.
Random Struct. Algorithms 3(1): 55-90 (1992) |
1991 |
12 | | Tomasz Luczak:
The chromatic number of random graphs.
Combinatorica 11(1): 45-54 (1991) |
11 | | Tomasz Luczak:
A note on the sharp concentration of the chromatic number of random graphs.
Combinatorica 11(3): 295-297 (1991) |
10 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
Holes in random graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 30(2-3): 213-219 (1991) |
9 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
Size and connectivity of the k-core of a random graph.
Discrete Mathematics 91(1): 61-68 (1991) |
8 | EE | Tomasz Luczak:
Cycles in random graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 98(3): 231-236 (1991) |
7 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Joel E. Cohen:
Stability of Vertices in Random Boolean Cellular Automata.
Random Struct. Algorithms 2(3): 327-334 (1991) |
6 | | Tomasz Luczak:
Cycles in a Random Graph Near the Critical Point.
Random Struct. Algorithms 2(4): 421-441 (1991) |
5 | | Tomasz Luczak,
Andrzej Rucinski:
Tree-Matchings in Graph Processes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(1): 107-120 (1991) |
1990 |
4 | | Tomasz Luczak:
On the Number of Sparse Connected Graphs.
Random Struct. Algorithms 1(2): 171-174 (1990) |
3 | | Tomasz Luczak:
Component Behavior Near the Critical Point of the Random Graph Process.
Random Struct. Algorithms 1(3): 287-310 (1990) |
1989 |
2 | | Tomasz Luczak,
John C. Wierman:
The chromatic number of random graphs at the double jump threshold.
Combinatorica 9(1): 39-49 (1989) |
1988 |
1 | EE | Tomasz Luczak,
Zbigniew Palka:
Maximal induced trees in sparse random graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 72(1-3): 257-265 (1988) |