
Alexander K. Kelmans

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24EEAlexander K. Kelmans, Alexander Postnikov: Generalizations of Abel's and Hurwitz's identities. Eur. J. Comb. 29(7): 1535-1543 (2008)
23EEAlexander K. Kelmans: Packing k-edge trees in graphs of restricted vertex degrees. Journal of Graph Theory 55(4): 306-324 (2007)
22EEAlexander K. Kelmans: On Hamiltonicity of {claw, net}-free graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(21): 2755-2761 (2006)
21EEAlexander K. Kelmans, Dhruv Mubayi: How many disjoint 2-edge paths must a cubic graph have? Journal of Graph Theory 45(1): 57-79 (2004)
20EEAlexander K. Kelmans: On graph closures. Discrete Mathematics 271(1-3): 141-168 (2003)
19EEAlexander K. Kelmans: On the Laplacian Spectrum of (alpha, omega) -Graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 23(6): 673-682 (2002)
18EEAlexander K. Kelmans: On graph planarity and semi-duality. Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 149-166 (2001)
17EEAlexander K. Kelmans: On Homotopy of connected graphs having the same degree function. Discrete Mathematics 230(1-3): 167-187 (2001)
16EEAlexander K. Kelmans, Dhruv Mubayi, Benny Sudakov: Asymptotically Optimal Tree-Packings in Regular Graphs. Electr. J. Comb. 8(1): (2001)
15EEAlexander K. Kelmans, Xuerong Yong: On the distribution of eigenvalues of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 199(1-3): 251-258 (1999)
14EEAlexander K. Kelmans: Optimal packing of induced stars in a graph. Discrete Mathematics 173(1-3): 97-127 (1997)
13EEAlexander K. Kelmans: Transformations of a Graph Increasing its Laplacian Polynomial and Number of Spanning Trees. Eur. J. Comb. 18(1): 35-48 (1997)
12EEPeter L. Hammer, Alexander K. Kelmans: Laplacian Spectra and Spanning Trees of Threshold Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 65(1-3): 255-273 (1996)
11 Alexander K. Kelmans: On graphs with the maximum number of spanning trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 9(1-2): 177-192 (1996)
10 Peter L. Hammer, Alexander K. Kelmans: On Universal Threshold Graphs. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 3: 327-344 (1994)
9 Alexander K. Kelmans: Spanning trees of extended graphs. Combinatorica 12(1): 45-51 (1992)
8 Alexander K. Kelmans: Graph planarity and related topics. Graph Structure Theory 1991: 635-668
7EEAlexander K. Kelmans: A short proof and a strengthening of the Whitney 2-isomorphism theorem on graphs. Discrete Mathematics 64(1): 13-25 (1987)
6EEAlexander K. Kelmans: A strengthening of the Kuratowski planarity criterion for 3-connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 51(3): 215-220 (1984)
5EEAlexander K. Kelmans, B. N. Kimelfeld: Multiplicative submodularity of a matrix's principal minor as a function of the set of its rows and some combinatorial applications. Discrete Mathematics 44(1): 113-116 (1983)
4EEAlexander K. Kelmans, M. V. Lomonosov: On cycles through prescribed vertices in weakly separable graphs. Discrete Mathematics 46(2): 183-189 (1983)
3 Robert L. Hemminger, Heinz Adolf Jung, Alexander K. Kelmans: On 3-skein isomorphisms of graphs. Combinatorica 2(4): 373-376 (1982)
2EEAlexander K. Kelmans, M. V. Lomonosov: When m vertices in a k-connected graph cannot be walked round along a simple cycle. Discrete Mathematics 38(2-3): 317-322 (1982)
1 E. A. Dinic, Alexander K. Kelmans, M. A. Zaitsev: Nonisomorphic Trees with the Same T-Polynomial. Inf. Process. Lett. 6(3): 73-76 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1E. A. Dinic [1]
2Peter L. Hammer [10] [12]
3Robert L. Hemminger [3]
4Heinz Adolf Jung [3]
5B. N. Kimelfeld [5]
6M. V. Lomonosov [2] [4]
7Dhruv Mubayi [16] [21]
8Alexander Postnikov [24]
9Benny Sudakov [16]
10Xuerong Yong [15]
11M. A. Zaitsev [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)