Volume 21,
Numbers 1-3,
January-March 2001
- Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh:
The Fuzzy Revolution: Goodbye to the Aristotelian Weltanschauung.
1-25 BibTeX
- Mahdi Mahfouf, Maysam F. Abbod, Derek A. Linkens:
A survey of fuzzy logic monitoring and control utilisation in medicine.
27-42 BibTeX
- Lynn M. Fletcher-Heath, Lawrence O. Hall, Dmitry B. Goldgof, F. Reed Murtagh:
Automatic segmentation of non-enhancing brain tumors in magnetic resonance images.
43-63 BibTeX
- Nicolino J. Pizzi:
Bleeding predisposition assessments in tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy patients using fuzzy interquartile encoded neural networks.
65-90 BibTeX
- R. Babuka, L. Alic, M. S. Lourens, A. F. M. Verbraak, J. Bogaard:
Estimation of respiratory parameters via fuzzy clustering.
91-105 BibTeX
- Horia-Nicolai L. Teodorescu, Mircea Chelaru, Abraham Kandel, Ioan Tofan, Mihaela Irimia:
Fuzzy methods in tremor assessment, prediction, and rehabilitation.
107-130 BibTeX
- Friedrich Steimann:
On the use and usefulness of fuzzy sets in medical AI.
131-137 BibTeX
- Klaus-Peter Adlassnig:
The Section on Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems at the Department of Medical Computer Sciences of the University of Vienna Medical School.
139-146 BibTeX
- Hubertus Axer, Dagmar Südfeld, Diedrich Graf v. Keyserlingk, Georg Berks:
Fuzzy sets in human anatomy.
147-152 BibTeX
- Lluis Godo, Ramon López de Mántaras, Josep Puyol-Gruart, Carles Sierra:
Renoir, Pneumon-IA and Terap-IA: three medical applications based on fuzzy logic.
153-162 BibTeX
- Peter R. Innocent, Robert Ivor John, Jonathan M. Garibaldi:
The fuzzy medical group in the centre for computational Intelligence.
163-170 BibTeX
- Derek A. Linkens, Mahdi Mahfouf:
The Intelligent Systems in Biomedicine laboratory in the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK.
171-176 BibTeX
- Horia-Nicolai L. Teodorescu, Abraham Kandel, Lawrence O. Hall:
Report of research activities in fuzzy AI and medicine at USF CSE.
177-183 BibTeX
- Robert Allen, David Smith:
Neuro-fuzzy closed-loop control of depth of anaesthesia.
185-191 BibTeX
- Senén Barro, Roque Marín, Francisco Palacios Ortega, Ramon Ruíz:
Fuzzy logic in a patient supervision system.
193-199 BibTeX
- Nabil Belacel, Mohamed Rachid Boulassel:
Multicriteria fuzzy assignment method: a useful tool to assist medical diagnosis.
201-207 BibTeX
- Gleb Beliakov, James R. Warren:
Fuzzy logic for decision support in chronic care.
209-213 BibTeX
- Riccardo Bellazzi, Raffaella Guglielmann, Liliana Ironi:
Learning from biomedical time series through the integration of qualitative models and fuzzy systems.
215-220 BibTeX
- C. Bonivento, A. Davalli, C. Fantuzzi:
Tuning of myoelectric prostheses using fuzzy logic.
221-225 BibTeX
- Lourdes Mattos Brasil, Fernando Mendes de Azevedo, Jorge Muniz Barreto:
A hybrid expert system for the diagnosis of epileptic crisis.
227-233 BibTeX
- Diana R. Cundell, Randy S. Silibovsky, Robyn Sanders, Les M. Sztandera:
Using fuzzy sets to analyze putative correlates between age, blood type, gender and/or race with bacterial infection.
235-239 BibTeX
- Miguel Delgado, Daniel Sánchez, Maria J. Martín-Bautista, María Amparo Vila Miranda:
Mining association rules with improved semantics in medical databases.
241-245 BibTeX
- Richard W. Jones, Michael J. Harrison, Andrew Lowe:
Computerised anaesthesia monitoring using fuzzy trend templates.
247-251 BibTeX
- Lorenzo Moreno, J. I. Estévez, R. M. Aguilar, Jose F. Sigut, C. S. González:
Exploiting the advantages of symbolically interpretable continuous biomedical parameters with a fuzzyfied symbolic model.
253-262 BibTeX
- Nicolino J. Pizzi, Rodrigo A. Vivanco, Ray L. Somorjai:
EvIdent(TM): a functional magnetic resonance image analysis system.
263-269 BibTeX
- Sorina Zahan:
A fuzzy approach to computer-assisted myocardial ischemia diagnosis.
271-275 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:51:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)