
Nicolino J. Pizzi

Nick J. Pizzi

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28EEAleksander B. Demko, Nick J. Pizzi: Scopira: an open source C++ framework for biomedical data analysis applications. Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(6): 641-660 (2009)
27EENick J. Pizzi, Witold Pedrycz: Effective classification using feature selection and fuzzy integration. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(21): 2859-2872 (2008)
26EENick J. Pizzi: Software quality prediction using fuzzy integration: a case study. Soft Comput. 12(1): 67-76 (2008)
25EENick J. Pizzi, Mark D. Alexiuk, Witold Pedrycz: Classification of Biomedical Spectra Using Fuzzy Interquartile Encoding and Stochastic Feature Selection. CIDM 2007: 668-673
24EEMark D. Alexiuk, Nick J. Pizzi, Witold Pedrycz: Tuning FCMP to Elicit Novel Time Course Signatures in fMRI Neural Activation Studies. Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques 2007: 746-755
23EEMark D. Alexiuk, G. Sawatzky, Nicolino J. Pizzi, Witold Pedrycz: Captology in Narrowcast Advertising: A Swarm Simulation of Persuasion Models. CCECE 2006: 1723-1726
22EEMarek Reformat, Aashima Kapoor, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Software Maintenance: Similarity and Inclusion of Rules in Knowledge Extraction. ICTAI 2006: 723-731
21EENick J. Pizzi: A Computational Intelligence Strategy for Software Complexity Prediction. IJCNN 2006: 4727-4733
20EEAleksander B. Demko, Rodrigo A. Vivanco, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Scopira: an open source C++ framework for biomedical data analysis applications -- a research project report. OOPSLA Companion 2005: 138-139
19EEMoongu Jeon, M. Alexander, Witold Pedrycz, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation with level set and additive operator splitting. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(10): 1461-1469 (2005)
18EEMark D. Alexiuk, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Robust centroids using fuzzy clustering with feature partitions. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(8): 1039-1046 (2005)
17EERodrigo A. Vivanco, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Scientific computing with Java and C++: a case study using functional magnetic resonance neuroimages. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(3): 237-254 (2005)
16EERodrigo A. Vivanco, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Finding Effective Software Metrics to Classify Maintainability Using a Parallel Genetic Algorithm. GECCO (2) 2004: 1388-1399
15EEMarek Reformat, Petr Musílek, Vanda Wu, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Human Perception of Software Complexity: Knowledge Discovery from Software Data. ICTAI 2004: 202-206
14EEWitold Pedrycz, Arnon Breuer, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Genetic design of feature spaces for pattern classifiers. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 32(2): 115-125 (2004)
13EEMarek Reformat, Witold Pedrycz, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Building a software experience factory using granular-based models. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145(1): 111-139 (2004)
12EERay L. Somorjai, B. Dolenko, Aleksander B. Demko, M. Mandelzweig, A. E. Nikulin, Richard Baumgartner, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Mapping high-dimensional data onto a relative distance plane - an exact method for visualizing and characterizing high-dimensional patterns. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 37(5): 366-379 (2004)
11EEMarek Reformat, Witold Pedrycz, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Software quality analysis with the use of computational intelligence. Information & Software Technology 45(7): 405-417 (2003)
10EEJames F. Peters, Zbigniew Suraj, S. Shan, Sheela Ramanna, Witold Pedrycz, Nicolino J. Pizzi: Classification of meteorological volumetric radar data using rough set methods. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(6): 911-920 (2003)
9 Ray L. Somorjai, Rodrigo A. Vivanco, Nicolino J. Pizzi: A novel, direct spatio-temporal approach for analyzing fMRI experiments. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(1): 5-17 (2002)
8 Nicolino J. Pizzi, Rodrigo A. Vivanco, Ray L. Somorjai: EvIdent(TM): a functional magnetic resonance image analysis system. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 21(1-3): 263-269 (2001)
7 Nicolino J. Pizzi: Bleeding predisposition assessments in tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy patients using fuzzy interquartile encoded neural networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 21(1-3): 65-90 (2001)
6EENicolino J. Pizzi, Witold Pedrycz: Fuzzy Set Theoretic Adjustment to Training Set Class Labels Using Robust Location Measures. IJCNN (3) 2000: 109-114
5EENicolino J. Pizzi: Classification of Storm Events Using a Fuzzy Encoded Multilayer Perceptron. IJCNN (6) 2000: 547-550
4EEMark D. Alexiuk, Nicolino J. Pizzi, Pak Ching Li, Witold Pedrycz: Neural Network Based Power Flow Predictor. JACIII 4(3): 206-211 (2000)
3 Nicolino J. Pizzi: Fuzzy pre-processing of gold standards as applied to biomedical spectra classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 16(2): 171-182 (1999)
2 Nicolino J. Pizzi, L. P. Choo, James R. Mansfield, Michael Jackson, W. C. Halliday, Henry H. Mantsch, Ray L. Somorjai: Neural network classification of infrared spectra of control and Alzheimer's diseased tissue. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 7(1): 67-79 (1995)
1 Heather Gordon, Nicolino J. Pizzi, Jon M. Gerrard, Ray L. Somorjai: Assessment of Bleeding Predispositions in Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy Patients Using Non-Metric Clustering. IJPRAI 9(3): 557-564 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1M. Alexander [19]
2Mark D. Alexiuk [4] [18] [23] [24] [25]
3Richard Baumgartner [12]
4Arnon Breuer [14]
5L. P. Choo [2]
6Aleksander B. Demko [12] [20] [28]
7B. Dolenko [12]
8Jon M. Gerrard [1]
9Heather Gordon [1]
10W. C. Halliday [2]
11Michael Jackson [2]
12Moongu Jeon [19]
13Aashima Kapoor [22]
14Pak Ching Li (Ben Li) [4]
15M. Mandelzweig [12]
16James R. Mansfield [2]
17Henry H. Mantsch [2]
18Petr Musílek [15]
19A. E. Nikulin [12]
20Witold Pedrycz [4] [6] [10] [11] [13] [14] [19] [23] [24] [25] [27]
21James F. Peters [10]
22Sheela Ramanna [10]
23Marek Reformat [11] [13] [15] [22]
24G. Sawatzky [23]
25S. Shan [10]
26Ray L. Somorjai [1] [2] [8] [9] [12]
27Zbigniew Suraj [10]
28Rodrigo A. Vivanco [8] [9] [16] [17] [20]
29Vanda Wu [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)