
Peter R. Innocent

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14EEPeter R. Innocent, Robert Ivor John, Jonathan M. Garibaldi: Fuzzy Methods For Medical Diagnosis. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(1): 69-98 (2005)
13EERobert Ivor John, Peter R. Innocent: Modeling uncertainty in clinical diagnosis using fuzzy logic. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(6): 1340-1350 (2005)
12EEJoachim A. Hering, Peter R. Innocent, Parvez I. Haris: Empirical Knowledge and Genetic Algorithms for Selection of Amide I Frequencies in Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. APBC 2004: 345-350
11EEPeter R. Innocent, Robert Ivor John: Computer aided fuzzy medical diagnosis. Inf. Sci. 162(2): 81-104 (2004)
10EEKeith Wills, Robert Ivor John, Peter R. Innocent, Sarah Lake: Modelling nursing intuition - a non-deterministic approach. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 751-755
9EEHeiko Hirschmüller, Peter R. Innocent, Jonathan M. Garibaldi: Fast, unconstrained camera motion estimation from stereo without tracking and robust statistics. ICARCV 2002: 1099-1104
8 Heiko Hirschmüller, Peter R. Innocent, Jonathan M. Garibaldi: Real-Time Correlation-Based Stereo Vision with Reduced Border Errors. International Journal of Computer Vision 47(1-3): 229-246 (2002)
7EECatalin Amza, Peter R. Innocent: Bones detection from chicken breast meat using a competitive hopfield neural network and fuzzy filtering. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 210-213
6 Peter R. Innocent, Robert Ivor John, Jonathan M. Garibaldi: The fuzzy medical group in the centre for computational Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 21(1-3): 163-170 (2001)
5 Robert Ivor John, Peter R. Innocent, M. R. Barnes: Neuro-fuzzy clustering of radiographic tibia image data using type 2 fuzzy sets. Inf. Sci. 125(1-4): 65-82 (2000)
4 Peter R. Innocent, M. R. Barnes, Robert Ivor John: Application of the fuzzy ART/MAP and MinMax/MAP neural network models to radiographic image classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 11(3): 241-263 (1997)
3 D. Buller, Andrzej Buller, Peter R. Innocent, W. Pawlak: Determining and classifying the region of interest in ultrasonic images of the breast using neural networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 8(1): 53-66 (1996)
2EEPeter R. Innocent: Knowledge based simulation models as an aid to product testing for usability. Simul. Pr. Theory 4(6): 383-398 (1996)
1 Peter R. Innocent: Usability testing: a practical use for mental model construction. Informatics and Psychology Workshop 1989: 271-288

Coauthor Index

1Catalin Amza [7]
2M. R. Barnes [4] [5]
3Andrzej Buller [3]
4D. Buller [3]
5Jonathan M. Garibaldi [6] [8] [9] [14]
6Parvez I. Haris [12]
7Joachim A. Hering [12]
8Heiko Hirschmüller [8] [9]
9Robert Ivor John [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [13] [14]
10Sarah Lake [10]
11W. Pawlak [3]
12Keith Wills [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)