
Klaus-Peter Adlassnig

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22EEMatthias Samwald, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: The bio-zen plus ontology. Applied Ontology 3(4): 213-217 (2008)
21EEMarcus Vitek, Michaela Pinter, Andrea Rappelsberger, Yoichi Hayashi, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Web-Based Decision Support in Selecting Patients with Parkinson's Disease for Deep Brain Stimulation. CBMS 2007: 79-84
20EEMario Drobics, János Botzheim, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Selecting the Optimal Rule Set Using a Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm. EUSFLAT Conf. (1) 2007: 361-366
19EEMartin Reitstatter, Heinrich Vierhapper, Andrea Rappelsberger, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Quality Improvement through a Reminder System in an Outpatient Department for Thyroid Disease. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 142
18EEKlaus-Peter Adlassnig, Carlo Combi, Amar K. Das, Elpida T. Keravnou, Giuseppe Pozzi: Temporal representation and reasoning in medicine: Research directions and challenges. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 38(2): 101-113 (2006)
17 Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Alexander Blacky, Walter Koller, Yoichi Hayashi: ICU-Based Monitoring of Nosocomial Infections. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 1054-1059
16 Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Wolfgang Horak, Andrea Rappelsberger, Yoichi Hayashi: Embedded Knowledge-Based Diagnostic Intelligence to Interpret Hepatitis Serology Test Results. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 1080-1085
15 Matthias Samwald, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Bringing Neuroscience to the Semantic Web: The Semantic Synapse Project. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 145-150
14 Ch. Schuh, M. Hiesmayr, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Weaning from Artificial Ventilation in Intensive Care Units. METMBS 2004: 38-46
13EEKarl Boegl, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Yoichi Hayashi, Thomas E. Rothenfluh, Harald Leitich: Knowledge acquisition in the fuzzy knowledge representation framework of a medical consultation system. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 30(1): 1-26 (2004)
12 Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Artificial-intelligence-augmented systems (Editorial). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 24(1): 1-4 (2002)
11 Harald Leitich, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Gernot Kolarz: Evaluation of two different models of semi-automatic knowledge acquisition for the medical consultant system CADIAG-II/RHEUMA. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(3): 215-225 (2002)
10EEKlaus-Peter Adlassnig: Fuzzy systems in medicine. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 2-5
9 Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: The Section on Medical Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems at the Department of Medical Computer Sciences of the University of Vienna Medical School. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 21(1-3): 139-146 (2001)
8 Judith Federhofer, Clemens Chizzali-Bonfadin, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Medical Expert Systems- You Won't Work Without Them, Once You Know Them. WebNet 2000: 692-693
7 Clemens Chizzali-Bonfadin, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Andrea Rappelsberger: HEPAXPERT-III/WWW: An Interactive Knowledge Base For Interpretation Of Serologic Tests For Hepatitis. WebNet 2000: 968
6 Clemens Chizzali-Bonfadin, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Karl Boegl, Dieter Kopecky: MedExpert/WWW: A Medical Knowledge Base Server. WebNet 1999: 1488-1489
5 M. Haddad, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Gerold Porenta: Feasibility analysis of a case-based reasoning system for automated detection of coronary heart disease from myocardial scintigrams. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 9(1): 61-78 (1997)
4 Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Wolfgang Horak: Development and retrospective evaluation of Hepaxpert-I: a routinely-used expert system for interpretive analysis of hepatitis A and B serologic findings. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 7(1): 1-24 (1995)
3 Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Wissensbasierte Entscheidungsuntrstützung in der Medizin. Informatik in den Biowissenschaften 1993: 31-41
2 Franz Barachini, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Überlegungen zur Konsistenztestproblematik von Wissensbasen am Beispiel des medizinischen Expertensystems CADIAG-1. ÖGAI 1985: 1-8
1 Franz Barachini, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig: Konsistenzprüfung der Wissensbasis des medizinischen Expertensystems CADIAG-1. GI Jahrestagung 1985: 815-826

Coauthor Index

1Franz Barachini [1] [2]
2Alexander Blacky [17]
3Karl Boegl [6] [13]
4János Botzheim [20]
5Clemens Chizzali-Bonfadin [6] [7] [8]
6Carlo Combi [18]
7Amar K. Das [18]
8Mario Drobics [20]
9Judith Federhofer [8]
10M. Haddad [5]
11Yoichi Hayashi [13] [16] [17] [21]
12M. Hiesmayr [14]
13Wolfgang Horak [4] [16]
14Elpida T. Keravnou [18]
15Gernot Kolarz [11]
16Walter Koller [17]
17Dieter Kopecky [6]
18Harald Leitich [11] [13]
19Michaela Pinter [21]
20Gerold Porenta [5]
21Giuseppe Pozzi [18]
22Andrea Rappelsberger [7] [16] [19] [21]
23Martin Reitstatter [19]
24Thomas E. Rothenfluh [13]
25Matthias Samwald [15] [22]
26Ch. Schuh [14]
27Heinrich Vierhapper [19]
28Marcus Vitek [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)