
Stella J. George

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7EEKen Tabb, Neil Davey, Rod Adams, Stella J. George: The recognition and analysis of animate objects using neural networks and active contour models. Neurocomputing 43(1-4): 145-172 (2002)
6EEAlistair G. Rust, Rod Adams, Stella J. George, Hamid Bolouri: Towards Computational Neural Systems through Developmental Evolution. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience 2001: 188-202
5 Ken Tabb, Neil Davey, Rod Adams, Stella J. George: A Hybrid Detection and Classfication System for Human Motion Analysis. HIS 2001: 139-157
4 Ken Tabb, Neil Davey, Rod Adams, Stella J. George: Analysis of Human Motion Using Snakes and Neural Networks. AMDO 2000: 48-57
3 Neil Davey, Rod Adams, Stella J. George: The Architecture and Performance of a Stochastic Competitive Evolutionary Neural Tree Network. Appl. Intell. 12(1-2): 75-93 (2000)
2 Neil Davey, Ray J. Frank, Tim M. Gale, Stella J. George: A Neural Network Model of Visual Object Recognition Impairments after Brain Damage. ICONIP 1998: 1470-1473
1 Hamid Bolouri, Rod Adams, Stella J. George, Alistair G. Rust: Molecular Self-Organization in the Development Model for the Evolution of Large-scale Artificial Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 797-800

Coauthor Index

1Rod Adams [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Hamid Bolouri [1] [6]
3Neil Davey [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
4Ray J. Frank [2]
5Tim M. Gale [2]
6Alistair G. Rust [1] [6]
7Ken Tabb [4] [5] [7]

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