
Horst Zimmermann

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11EEKurt Schweiger, Horst Zimmermann: Low-Voltage Low-Power Highly Linear Down-Sampling Mixer in 65nm Digital CMOS Technology. DDECS 2008: 174-177
10EEFranz Schlögl, Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein, Horst Zimmermann: Gain reduction by gate-leakage currents in regulated cascodes. DDECS 2008: 50-53
9EEWeixun Yan, Horst Zimmermann: Continuous-Time Common-Mode Feedback Circuit for Applications with Large Output Swing and High Output Impedance. DDECS 2008: 59-63
8EEWeixun Yan, Robert Kolm, Horst Zimmermann: A low-voltage low-power fully differential rail-to-rail input/output opamp in 65-nm CMOS. ISCAS 2008: 2274-2277
7EEWeixun Yan, Robert Kolm, Horst Zimmermann: Efficient four-stage frequency compensation for low-voltage amplifiers. ISCAS 2008: 2278-2281
6EERobert Kolm, Weixun Yan, Horst Zimmermann: Current-mode filter in 65nm CMOS for a software-radio application. ISCAS 2008: 3130-3133
5EERobert Kolm, Horst Zimmermann: A linear transconductor and its application in an analog filter in 120nm CMOS. ISCAS 2006
4EEJohannes Sturm, Martin Leifhelm, Harald Schatzmayr, Stefan Groiss, Horst Zimmermann: Optical Receiver IC for CD/DVD/Blue-Laser Application. DATE 2004: 215-218
3EEJohannes Sturm, Martin Leifhelm, Harald Schatzmayr, Stefan Groiss, Horst Zimmermann: Optical Receiver IC for CD/DVD/Blue-Laser Application. DATE 2004: 215-218
2EEJürgen Leeb, Johannes Knorr, Horst Zimmermann: Sensitivity-enhanced OEIC with capacitance multiplier for reduced lower-cutoff frequency. ISCAS (1) 2004: 829-832
1 Horst Zimmermann: Online-Anwendungen im Rechnungswesen beim Großgversandhaus QUELLE. Online-Systeme im Finanz- und Rechnungswesen 1980: 368-378

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Groiss [3] [4]
2Johannes Knorr [2]
3Robert Kolm [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Jürgen Leeb [2]
5Martin Leifhelm [3] [4]
6Harald Schatzmayr [3] [4]
7Franz Schlögl [10]
8Kerstin Schneider-Hornstein [10]
9Kurt Schweiger [11]
10Johannes Sturm [3] [4]
11Weixun Yan [6] [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)