
Kang Zhao

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11EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Sheqin Dong, Yang Song, Satoshi Goto: HyMacs: hybrid memory access optimization based on custom-instruction scheduling. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 89-94
10EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Chenqian Jiang, Sheqin Dong, Satoshi Goto: Cache miss reduction through hardware-assisted loop optimization. CSCWD 2008: 129-134
9EEKang Zhao, Matthew P. Evett: CyberLab: An Online Virtual Laboratory Toolkit for Non-Programmers. ICALT 2008: 316-318
8EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Sheqin Dong, Yang Song, Satoshi Goto: Automated Specific Instruction Customization Methodology for Multimedia Processor Acceleration. ISQED 2008: 321-324
7EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Sheqin Dong, Yang Song, Satoshi Goto: Fast Custom Instruction Identification Algorithm Based on Basic Convex Pattern Model for Supporting ASIP Automated Design. IEICE Transactions 91-A(6): 1478-1487 (2008)
6EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Sheqin Dong, Yang Song, Satoshi Goto: Exploring Partitions Based on Search Space Smoothing for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System. IEICE Transactions 91-A(9): 2456-2464 (2008)
5EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Sheqin Dong: A Fast Custom Instructions Identification Algorithm based on Basic Convex Pattern Model for Supporting ASIP Automated Design. CSCWD 2007: 121-126
4EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian: A Clustering ILP Model for Fast Instruction Selection in Embedded Applicated Specific Processor Design. APCCAS 2006: 1160-1163
3EEZhen Zhao, Jinian Bian, Zhipeng Liu, Yunfeng Wang, Kang Zhao: High Level Synthesis with Multiple supply Voltages for Energy and Combined Peak Power Minimization. APCCAS 2006: 864-867
2EEKang Zhao, Jinian Bian, Sheqin Dong: A Heterogeneous Dependency Graph as Intermediate Representation for Instruction Set Customization. JCIS 2006
1EEKang Zhao, Jiachang Sun: Dual bases of multivariate Bernstein-Bézier polynomials. Computer Aided Geometric Design 5(2): 119-125 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Jinian Bian [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
2Sheqin Dong [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
3Matthew P. Evett [9]
4Satoshi Goto [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
5Chenqian Jiang [10]
6Zhipeng Liu [3]
7Yang Song [6] [7] [8] [11]
8Jiachang Sun [1]
9Yunfeng Wang [3]
10Zhen Zhao [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)