
Jianmin Zhao

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19EEXinzhong Zhu, Jianmin Zhao, Jie Yuan, Huiying Xu: A fuzzy quantization approach to image retrieval based on color and texture. ICUIMC 2009: 141-149
18 Frederick W. B. Li, Jianmin Zhao, Timothy K. Shih, Rynson W. H. Lau, Qing Li, Dennis McLeod: Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2008, 7th International Conference, Jinhua, China, August 20-22, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
17 Elvis Wai Chung Leung, Fu Lee Wang, Lanfang Miao, Jianmin Zhao, Jifeng He: Advances in Blended Learning, Second Workshop on Blended Learning, WBL 2008, Jinhua, China, August 20-22, 2008. Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
16EEWanjie Liang, Jianmin Zhao, Xinzhong Zhu: Multi-agent Framework Support for Adaptive e-Learning. ICWL 2008: 296-303
15EEShenggang Yang, Jianmin Zhao, Xueyan Zhang, Limei Zhao: Application of PageRank Technique in Collaborative Learning. WBL 2008: 102-109
14EEQing Li, Jianmin Zhao, Xinzhong Zhu: Multimedia Data Modeling Through a Semantic View Mechanism. World Wide Web 11(2): 287-311 (2008)
13 Xinzhong Zhu, Jianmin Zhao, Huiying Xu: Noisy Motion-blurred Images Restoration Based on RBFN. CGVR 2007: 105-114
12EEGary K. L. Tam, Rynson W. H. Lau, Jianmin Zhao: A 3D Geometry Search Engine in Support of Learning. ICWL 2007: 404-415
11EEQing Li, Jianmin Zhao, Xinzhong Zhu: Mobile Learning Support with Statistical Inference-Based Cache Management. ICWL 2007: 566-583
10EEKen Chan, Rynson W. H. Lau, Jianmin Zhao: Dynamic Sound Rendering Based on Ray-Caching. PCM 2007: 336-346
9EEZhonglong Zheng, Jianmin Zhao, Jie Yang: Gabor Feature Based Face Recognition Using Supervised Locality Preserving Projection. ACIVS 2006: 644-653
8EEJianmin Zhao, Xinzhong Zhu, Huiying Xu, Xinpeng Zhuang: A New Communication Mechanism Based on Virtual Agent for Mobile Agent. CSCWD 2006: 585-589
7EEXinzhong Zhu, Jianmin Zhao, Huiying Xu, Rong Long: A Research of Collaborative CAD System Based on Multi-Agent. CSCWD 2006: 638-641
6EEHuiying Xu, Jianmin Zhao, Xinzhong Zhu, Zhiyong Li: Web Services Based On Grid Technology. CSCWD 2006: 910-913
5EEXinzhong Zhu, Jianmin Zhao, Huiying Xu: A Digital Watermarking Algorithm and Implementation Based on Improved SVD. ICPR (3) 2006: 651-656
4EEZhonglong Zheng, Jianmin Zhao, Jie Yang: NMF with LogGabor Wavelets for Visualization. CAIP 2005: 26-32
3EEXianghui Liu, Jianping Yin, Xicheng Lu, Zhiping Cai, Jianmin Zhao: The Analysis of Efficient Monitoring Grid Traffic with Flow Conservation Equation. GCC Workshops 2004: 52-58
2EEJianmin Zhao, Norman I. Badler: Inverse kinematics positioning using nonlinear programming for highly articulated figures. ACM Trans. Graph. 13(4): 313-336 (1994)
1EEPhilip Lee, Susanna Wei, Jianmin Zhao, Norman I. Badler: Strength guided motion. SIGGRAPH 1990: 253-262

Coauthor Index

1Norman I. Badler [1] [2]
2Zhiping Cai [3]
3Ken Chan [10]
4Jifeng He [17]
5Rynson W. H. Lau [10] [12] [18]
6Philip Lee [1]
7Elvis Wai Chung Leung [17]
8Frederick W. B. Li [18]
9Qing Li [11] [14] [18]
10Zhiyong Li [6]
11Wanjie Liang [16]
12Xianghui Liu [3]
13Rong Long [7]
14Xicheng Lu [3]
15Dennis McLeod [18]
16Lanfang Miao [17]
17Timothy K. Shih [18]
18Gary K. L. Tam [12]
19Fu Lee Wang [17]
20Susanna Wei [1]
21Huiying Xu [5] [6] [7] [8] [13] [19]
22Jie Yang [4] [9]
23Shenggang Yang [15]
24Jianping Yin [3]
25Jie Yuan [19]
26Xueyan Zhang [15]
27Limei Zhao [15]
28Zhonglong Zheng [4] [9]
29Xinzhong Zhu [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [13] [14] [16] [19]
30Xinpeng Zhuang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)