
Jianhong Zhang

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32EEJianhong Zhang, Shengnan Gao, Hua Chen, Qin Geng: A Novel ID-Based Anonymous Signcryption Scheme. APWeb/WAIM 2009: 604-610
31EEJianhong Zhang: On the Security of a Certificate-Based Signature Scheme and Its Improvement with Pairings. ISPEC 2009: 47-58
30EEJianhong Zhang, Jian Mao: A novel identity-based multi-signcryption scheme. Computer Communications 32(1): 14-18 (2009)
29EEJianhong Zhang, Qin Geng: On the Security of A Group Signature Scheme. ICNSC 2008: 1310-1314
28EEJianhong Zhang, Cheng Ji: On the Security of two Authenticated Encryption Schemes. ICNSC 2008: 1315-1319
27EEJianhong Zhang, Qin Geng: An Efficient Proxy Signature Scheme with Full-delegation. ICNSC 2008: 513-518
26EEJianhong Zhang, Jane Mao: A novel ID-based designated verifier signature scheme. Inf. Sci. 178(3): 766-773 (2008)
25EEJianhong Zhang, Jane Mao: Security Analysis of Two Signature Schemes and Their Improved Schemes. ICCSA (1) 2007: 589-602
24EEJianhong Zhang: An Efficient Identity-Based Ring Signature Scheme and Its Extension. ICCSA (2) 2007: 63-74
23EEJianhong Zhang, Jian Mao: A Novel Verifiably Encrypted Signature Scheme Without Random Oracle. ISPEC 2007: 65-78
22EEJianhong Zhang: A verifiably encrypted signature scheme with strong unforgeability. Infoscale 2007: 66
21EEJianhong Zhang, Jian Mao: Linkability Analysis of Some Blind Signature Schemes. CIS 2006: 556-566
20EEJianhong Zhang, Wei Zou: A Robust Verifiably Encrypted Signature Scheme. EUC Workshops 2006: 731-740
19EEJianhong Zhang, Tao Wei, JianYu Zhang, Wei Zou: Linkability of a Blind Signature Scheme and Its Improved Scheme. ICCSA (4) 2006: 262-270
18EEJianhong Zhang, Wei Zou: Linkability of Two Blind Signature Schemes. ICICIC (1) 2006: 468-471
17EEYujie Mou, Jian Cao, Shen-sheng Zhang, Jianhong Zhang: Interactive Web Service Choice-Making Based on Extended QoS Model. CIT 2005: 1130-1134
16EEJianhong Zhang, Jiancheng Zou, Yumin Wang: A Novel and Secure Non-designated Proxy Signature Scheme for Mobile Agents. ICCNMC 2005: 836-844
15EEJianhong Zhang, Jiancheng Zou, Yumin Wang: An Improved Group Signature Scheme. TrustBus 2005: 185-194
14EEJianhong Zhang, Hu'an Li, Jilin Wang: A Convertible Limited Verifier Signature Scheme. WAIM 2005: 638-644
13EEJianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang: On the security of Miyaji et al. group signature scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(2): 1373-1382 (2005)
12EEJianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang: On the security of a convertible authenticated encryption. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 1063-1069 (2005)
11EEJianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang: Two provably secure k-out-of-n oblivious transfer schemes. Applied Mathematics and Computation 169(2): 1211-1220 (2005)
10EEJianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang: An improved signature scheme without using one-way Hash functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation 170(2): 905-908 (2005)
9EEJianhong Zhang, Qianhong Wu: An Improved Nominative Proxy Signature for Mobile Communication. IEICE Transactions 88-D(7): 1697-1699 (2005)
8EEJianhong Zhang, Wei Zou, Dan Chen, Yumin Wang: On the Security of a Digital Signature with Message Recovery Using Self-certified Public Key. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(3): 243-346 (2005)
7EEJianhong Zhang, Qianhong Wu, Yumin Wang: A New Efficient Group Signature With Forward Security. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(3): 321-326 (2005)
6EEJianhong Zhang, Qianhong Wu, Jilin Wang, Yumin Wang: An Improved Nominative Proxy Signature Scheme for Mobile Communication. AINA (2) 2004: 23-26
5EEZewen Chen, Jiwu Huang, Daren Huang, Jianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang: Provably Secure and ID-Based Group Signature Scheme. AINA (2) 2004: 384-388
4EEJianhong Zhang, Shen-sheng Zhang, Jian Cao, Yujie Mou: Improved HTN Planning Approach for Service Composition. IEEE SCC 2004: 609-612
3EEJianhong Zhang, Shen-sheng Zhang, Jian Cao: Planning Based Service Composition System. PDCAT 2004: 878-881
2EEQianhong Wu, Jianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang: Practical t-out-n Oblivious Transfer and Its Applications. ICICS 2003: 226-237
1EEJianhong Zhang, Qianhong Wu, Yumin Wang: A Novel Efficient Group Signature Scheme with Forward Security. ICICS 2003: 292-300

Coauthor Index

1Jian Cao [3] [4] [17]
2Dan Chen [8]
3Hua Chen [32]
4Zewen Chen [5]
5Shengnan Gao [32]
6Qin Geng [27] [29] [32]
7Daren Huang [5]
8Jiwu Huang [5]
9Cheng Ji [28]
10Hu'an Li [14]
11Jane Mao [25] [26]
12Jian Mao [21] [23] [30]
13Yujie Mou [4] [17]
14Jilin Wang [6] [14]
15Yumin Wang [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16]
16Tao Wei [19]
17Qianhong Wu [1] [2] [6] [7] [9]
18JianYu Zhang [19]
19Shensheng Zhang (Shen-sheng Zhang) [3] [4] [17]
20Jiancheng Zou [15] [16]
21Wei Zou [8] [18] [19] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)