
Mehdi R. Zargham

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20 J. Cheng, Mohammad R. Sayeh, Mehdi R. Zargham: Real Time Clustering Model. ICEIS (2) 2008: 235-240
19 Namdar Mogharreban, Mehdi R. Zargham, CindyAnn Alexander: Implementation of a Down Scaling Model for Climate Prediction Utilizing Fuzzy System. IC-AI 2007: 300-305
18 Rui Liu, Mehdi R. Zargham: Relationship Between Fundamental Values In The Financial Market. IKE 2006: 102-108
17 Mehdi R. Zargham, Sai-Leela Jambula: An Improved Version of Money Flow Index. IC-AI 2005: 593-599
16 Srinivas Mandalapu, Shahram Rahimi, Bidyut Gupta, Mehdi R. Zargham: Dynamic Load Balancing in MPIAB - General Architecture. PDPTA 2005: 710-716
15EEMehdi R. Zargham, Namdar Mogharreban: PORSEL: an expert system for assisting in investment analysis and valuation. Soft Comput. 9(10): 742-748 (2005)
14 Na Ren, Mehdi R. Zargham: Rule Extraction for Securities Analysis Based on Decision Tree Classification Model. IKE 2004: 145-151
13 N. M. Abdelrahman, Mehdi R. Zargham: A Graphical User Interface for Screening Securities. IKE 2003: 482-487
12EEMehdi R. Zargham, Mohammad R. Sayeh: A Web-Based Information System for Stock Selection and Evaluation. WECWIS 1999: 81-83
11 Mehdi R. Zargham: An Inductive Learning System for Rating Securities. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 488-496
10EEMehdi R. Zargham, T. Osone: A Medical Diagnostic System on the Basis of Fuzzy Set Theory. IEA/AIE 1994: 573-581
9EEMohammad R. Sayeh, Ragu Athinarayanan, Mehdi R. Zargham: Operation of an associative memory. Pattern Recognition 27(12): 1815-1821 (1994)
8EEKenneth J. Danhof, Mehdi R. Zargham: Toward a paradigm for distributed intelligence. Appl. Intell. 1(4): 335-343 (1992)
7EEK. Subramanian, Mehdi R. Zargham: Distributed and Parallel Demand Driven Logic Simulation. DAC 1990: 485-490
6EEKenneth J. Danhof, J. Quisenberry, Mehdi R. Zargham: Concurrency in Blackboard Systems. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 109-113
5 Mehdi R. Zargham, Kenneth J. Danhof: Toward a Definition of Fault Analysis for Petri Nets Models. Inf. Process. Lett. 34(6): 299-305 (1990)
4EEMehdi R. Zargham: Parallel Channel Routing. DAC 1988: 128-133
3EED. Vakil, Mehdi R. Zargham: An Expert System for Channel Routing. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1988: 1033-1039
2 Mehdi R. Zargham, Ralph D. Purcell: A Protocol for Load Balancing on CSMA Networks. ICPP 1985: 163-165
1 Mehdi R. Zargham, Marilyn Tyman: Neural Petri Nets. PNPM 1985: 72-77

Coauthor Index

1N. M. Abdelrahman [13]
2CindyAnn Alexander [19]
3Ragu Athinarayanan [9]
4J. Cheng [20]
5Kenneth J. Danhof [5] [6] [8]
6Bidyut Gupta [16]
7Sai-Leela Jambula [17]
8Rui Liu [18]
9Srinivas Mandalapu [16]
10Namdar Mogharreban [15] [19]
11T. Osone [10]
12Ralph D. Purcell [2]
13J. Quisenberry [6]
14Shahram Rahimi [16]
15Na Ren [14]
16Mohammad R. Sayeh [9] [12] [20]
17K. Subramanian [7]
18Marilyn Tyman [1]
19D. Vakil [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)