
Namdar Mogharreban

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12 Sanaz Rahimi, Mehdi Zargham, Namdar Mogharreban: Brain Tumor Detection in MRI Images. IPCV 2008: 685-690
11 Namdar Mogharreban, Mehdi R. Zargham, CindyAnn Alexander: Implementation of a Down Scaling Model for Climate Prediction Utilizing Fuzzy System. IC-AI 2007: 300-305
10 Bidyut Gupta, Shahram Rahimi, Namdar Mogharreban: A New Recovery Algorithm for Distributed Computing Environment. PDPTA 2007: 214-220
9EEShahram Rahimi, Lisa Gandy, Namdar Mogharreban: A web-based high-performance multicriteria decision support system for medical diagnosis. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 22(10): 1083-1099 (2007)
8 Bidyut Gupta, V. Gorrepati, Namdar Mogharreban: A Hybrid Communication Protocol for Cellular Architecture Using Energy - Efficient AODV. ICWN 2006: 348-354
7 Bidyut Gupta, Namdar Mogharreban, Shahram Rahimi, A. Vemuri: A High Performance Non-Blocking Checkpointing/Recovery Algorithm For Ring Networks. PDPTA 2006: 234-240
6 Prasanna Varadarajan, Namdar Mogharreban, Bidyut Gupta, Shahram Rahimi: A Robust Multicast Algorithm for Cellular Networks. ICWN 2005: 213-222
5 Bidyut Gupta, Shahram Rahimi, Anupam Thakre, Namdar Mogharreban: An Efficient Non-Block Synchronous Checkpointing Scheme for Distributed Systems. PDPTA 2005: 883-889
4EEMehdi R. Zargham, Namdar Mogharreban: PORSEL: an expert system for assisting in investment analysis and valuation. Soft Comput. 9(10): 742-748 (2005)
3 Y. Cao, Namdar Mogharreban, Ziping Liu, Bidyut Gupta: An Efficient Multicast Routing Scheme For Cellular Networks. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 352-357
2 Shahram Rahimi, Namdar Mogharreban, Raheel Ahmad: The First Stage of a System Verification Strategy for API-Calculus. MSV/AMCS 2004: 380-385
1 Namdar Mogharreban, Raghavender Jandhyala: An Adaptable Decision Support System Delivered Across the Internet: A Model and Implementation. IC-AI 2003: 538b-

Coauthor Index

1Raheel Ahmad [2]
2CindyAnn Alexander [11]
3Y. Cao [3]
4Lisa Gandy [9]
5V. Gorrepati [8]
6Bidyut Gupta [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Raghavender Jandhyala [1]
8Ziping Liu [3]
9Sanaz Rahimi [12]
10Shahram Rahimi [2] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
11Anupam Thakre [5]
12Prasanna Varadarajan [6]
13A. Vemuri [7]
14Mehdi Zargham [12]
15Mehdi R. Zargham [4] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)