
Hiroshi Yasuda

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53EEHiroshi Yasuda, Ryota Kaihara, Suguru Saito, Masayuki Nakajima: Motion Belts: Visualization of Human Motion Data on a Timeline. IEICE Transactions 91-D(4): 1159-1167 (2008)
52 Koichi Emura, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Interactive Virtual Camera Control in 3D Character Animation Authoring. IMECS 2007: 634-639
51EEHiroshi Yasuda: Digital Content Creation/Distribution in a Broadband-Ubiquitous Environment. IEICE Transactions 90-D(1): 76-80 (2007)
50EEKilho Shin, Koji Takeda, Masahiro Taguchi, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Bridge layer for content distribution. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(2): 46-56 (2007)
49EEKilho Shin, Hiroshi Yasuda: Provably Secure Anonymous Access Control for Heterogeneous Trusts. ARES 2006: 24-33
48EEUwe Kowalik, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Using Automatic Facial Expression Classification for Contents Indexing Based on the Emotional Component. EUC 2006: 519-528
47 Thitiporn Lertrusdachakul, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: A Sense of Speed in Camera Motion. EuroIMSA 2006: 86-90
46EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Conceptual Classification to Improve a Web Site Content. IDEAL 2006: 869-877
45 Thitiporn Lertrusdachakul, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Evaluation of camera work analysis supporting shot retrieval system. IMSA 2006: 167-172
44EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Web Site Off-Line Structure Reconfiguration: A Web User Browsing Analysis. KES (2) 2006: 371-378
43EETakanori Senoh, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda, Takuyo Kogure: Disparity-Compensated Picture Prediction for Multi-view Video Coding. MRCS 2006: 699-705
42EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Improving Web Site Content Using a Concept-Based Knowledge Discovery Process. Web Intelligence 2006: 361-365
41EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: A hybrid system for concept-based web usage mining. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 3(4): 219-235 (2006)
40EEKilho Shin, Hiroshi Yasuda: Practical Anonymous Access Control Protocols for Ubiquitous Computing. JCP 1(8): 1-12 (2006)
39EENobuya Suzuki, Takahiro Kobayashi, Hiroshi Yasuda: Networked equilibrium sharing system "balance seat". Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 188-191
38EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Web Site Improvements Based on Representative Pages Identification. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 1162-1166
37EEHiroshi Yasuda, Suguru Saito, Masayuki Nakajima: Range of motion estimation from Mocap data. CW 2005: 483-489
36EEAkira Ide, Kazuya Manabe, Hirokazu Shimizu, Masahirio Sugawa, Kento Fujiwara, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Technology for Digitalizing Pictorial Data of Japanese Swords. HICSS 2005
35 Jinhong Shen, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda, Seiya Miyazaki: An intelligent movie production system. IADIS AC 2005: 241-246
34EEThitiporn Lertrusdachakul, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Camera Motion Estimation by Image Feature Analysis. ICAPR (2) 2005: 618-625
33EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Using SOFM to Improve Web Site Text Content. ICNC (2) 2005: 622-626
32EETetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin, Tetsuhiro Miyahara, Hiroshi Yasuda: A Theoretical Analysis of Alignment and Edit Problems for Trees. ICTCS 2005: 323-337
31EEUwe Kowalik, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: BROAFERENCE - A Next Generation Multimedia Terminal Providing Direct Feedback on Audience's Satisfaction Level. INTERACT 2005: 974-977
30EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Improving the web text content by extracting significant pages into a Web Site. ISDA 2005: 32-36
29EESebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Establishing Guidelines on How to Improve the Web Site Content Based on the Identification of Representative Pages. Web Intelligence 2005: 284-288
28EEJuan D. Velásquez, Richard Weber, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Acquisition and Maintenance of Knowledge for Online Navigation Suggestions. IEICE Transactions 88-D(5): 993-1003 (2005)
27 Juan D. Velásquez, Sebastián A. Ríos, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Towards the Identification of Keywords in the Web Site Text Content: A Methodological Approach. IJWIS 1(1): 53-57 (2005)
26EEThitiporn Lertrusdachakul, Akinori Taguchi, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Transparent eye contact and gesture videoconference. IJWMC 1(1): 29-37 (2005)
25EEPei-Jeng Kuo, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Building Personal Digital Photograph Libraries: An Approach with Ontology-Based MPEG-7 Dozen Dimensional Digital Content Architecture. Computer Graphics International 2004: 482-489
24EEJuan D. Velásquez, Richard Weber, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: A Methodology to Find Web Site Keywords. EEE 2004: 285-292
23EEPei-Jeng Kuo, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: MPEG-7 Based Dozen Dimensional Digital Content Architecture for Semantic Image Retrieval Services. EEE 2004: 518-525
22 Jinhong Shen, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda, Seiya Miyazaki: E-Movie Creation by Rule-Based Reasoning from the Director's Viewpoint - E-Movie: Computer Animation & Real Images. EWIMT 2004
21EEAlejandro Bassi, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda: Fuzzy Clustering with a Regularized Autoassociative Neural Network. HIS 2004: 321-325
20 Jinhong Shen, Seiya Miyazaki, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Personal e-moviemaker design. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 755-760
19EEJuan D. Velásquez, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Mining Web Data to Create Online Navigation Recommendations. ICDM 2004: 551-554
18 Pei-Jeng Kuo, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Personal Photograph Database Retrieval with Spatial and Temporal Based Ontology. International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2004: 516-519
17EEJuan D. Velásquez, Pablo A. Estévez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki, Eduardo S. Vera: Intelligent Web Site: Understanding the Visitor Behavior. KES 2004: 140-147
16EEThitiporn Lertrusdachakul, Akinori Taguchi, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Image Arrangement Paradigm for Eye Contact Videoconference. MMM 2004: 366
15EEJuan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Web Site Structure and Content Recommendations. Web Intelligence 2004: 636-639
14 Juan D. Velásquez, Sebastián A. Ríos, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Identifying Keywords to Improve a Web Site Text Content. iiWAS 2004
13EEOliver Schreer, Henry Fuchs, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Hiroshi Yasuda: Introduction to the Special Issue on Immersive Telecommunications. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 14(3): 285-287 (2004)
12 Thitiporn Lertrusdachakul, Akinori Taguchi, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Image Placement Creation of Eye Contact Videoconferencing System. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 64-68
11EEJuan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: Combining the web content and usage mining to understand the visitor behavior in a web site. ICDM 2003: 669-672
10EEHiroshi Yasuda: Introduction: Active Network: The Base for Content Distribution and Network Security in d-Commerce Environment. IWAN 2003: 1-2
9EEJuan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki, Richard Weber, Eduardo S. Vera: Using Self Organizing Feature Maps to Acquire Knowledge about Visitor Behavior in a Web Site. KES 2003: 951-958
8EEJuan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki, Richard Weber: Using the KDD Process to Support Web Site Reconfigurations. Web Intelligence 2003: 511-515
7 Ali Tabatabai, Sethuraman Panchanathan, John R. Smith, Hiroshi Yasuda, Siegfried Handschuh: Introduction to the special issue on conceptual and dynamical aspects of multimedia content description. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 13(1): 1-4 (2003)
6 Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki, Richard Weber: Voice Codification using Self Organizing Maps as Data Mining Tool. HIS 2002: 480-489
5EEHideki Sakamoto, Hiroshi Yasuda: Introduction of the Content ID Forum (cIDf). SAINT 2002: 128-131
4 Hiroshi Yasuda: Active Networks, Second International Working Conference, IWAN 2000, Tokyo, Japan, October 16-18, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
3EEReiko Osada, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: A Vector Coding Method for Natural Images. AIPR 2000: 146-152
2EEKustarto Widoyo, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda: Demand Inquiring Service: A Network Service Based on Application Demands and Network Condition. IWAN 2000: 385-397
1 Kenji Akiyama, Nobuji Tetsutani, Morito Ishibashi, Susumu Ichinose, Hiroshi Yasuda: Consideration on Three-Dimensional Visual Communication Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 9(4): 555-560 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Kenji Akiyama [1]
2Terumasa Aoki [2] [3] [6] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [33] [34] [35] [36] [38] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [50] [52]
3Alejandro Bassi [14] [19] [21] [27]
4Koichi Emura [52]
5Pablo A. Estévez [17]
6Henry Fuchs [13]
7Kento Fujiwara [36]
8Siegfried Handschuh [7]
9Wijnand IJsselsteijn (Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn) [13]
10Susumu Ichinose [1]
11Akira Ide [36]
12Morito Ishibashi [1]
13Ryota Kaihara [53]
14Takahiro Kobayashi [39]
15Takuyo Kogure [43]
16Uwe Kowalik [31] [48]
17Tetsuji Kuboyama [32]
18Pei-Jeng Kuo [18] [23] [25]
19Thitiporn Lertrusdachakul [12] [16] [26] [34] [45] [47]
20Kazuya Manabe [36]
21Tetsuhiro Miyahara [32]
22Seiya Miyazaki [20] [22] [35]
23Masayuki Nakajima [37] [53]
24Reiko Osada [3]
25Sethuraman Panchanathan [7]
26Sebastián A. Ríos [14] [27] [29] [30] [33] [38] [41] [42] [44] [46]
27Suguru Saito [37] [53]
28Hideki Sakamoto [5]
29Oliver Schreer [13]
30Takanori Senoh [43]
31Jinhong Shen [20] [22] [35]
32Hirokazu Shimizu [36]
33Kilho Shin [32] [40] [49] [50]
34John R. Smith [7]
35Masahirio Sugawa [36]
36Nobuya Suzuki [39]
37Ali Tabatabai [7]
38Akinori Taguchi [12] [16] [26]
39Masahiro Taguchi [50]
40Koji Takeda [50]
41Nobuji Tetsutani [1]
42Juan D. Velásquez [6] [8] [9] [11] [14] [15] [17] [19] [21] [24] [27] [28] [29] [30] [33] [38] [41] [42] [44] [46]
43Eduardo S. Vera [9] [17] [29] [30] [33] [42]
44Richard Weber [6] [8] [9] [24] [28]
45Kustarto Widoyo [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)