
Takashi Yamanoue

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7EEIzumi Fuse, Shigeto Okabe, Takashi Yamanoue, Atsushi Nakamura, Michio Nakanishi, Shozo Fukada, Takahiro Tagawa, Tatsumi Takeo, Ikuya Murata, Tetsutaro Uehara, Tsuneo Yamada: Improving computer ethics video clips for higher education. SIGUCCS 2008: 235-242
6EEMasato Masuya, Takashi Yamanoue, Shinichiro Kubota: An experience of monitoring university network security using a commercial service and DIY monitoring. SIGUCCS 2006: 225-230
5EEKazunori Hino, Kazuo Terashima, Teruyuki Bunno, Takashi Yamanoue, Nobuyuki Hino: Evaluation of Students' Performance in Online Seminars via Email with Mobile Phones. ICITA (2) 2005: 173-176
4EETakashi Yamanoue: Sharing the Same Operation with a Large Number of Users Using P2P. ICITA (2) 2005: 85-88
3EETakashi Yamanoue, Michio Nakanishi, Atsushi Nakamura, Izumi Fuse, Ikuya Murata, Shozo Fukada, Takahiro Tagawa, Tatsumi Takeo, Shigeto Okabe, Tsuneo Yamada: Digital video clips covering computer ethics in higher education. SIGUCCS 2005: 456-461
2EETakashi Yamanoue: A platform independent tool for evaluating performance of computing equipment for a computer laboratory. SIGUCCS 2004: 241-246
1 Takayuki Hirahara, Takashi Yamanoue, Hiroyuki Anzai, Itsujiro Arita: Sending an Image to a Large Number of Nodes in Short Time using TCP. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 987-990

Coauthor Index

1Hiroyuki Anzai [1]
2Itsujiro Arita [1]
3Teruyuki Bunno [5]
4Shozo Fukada [3] [7]
5Izumi Fuse [3] [7]
6Kazunori Hino [5]
7Nobuyuki Hino [5]
8Takayuki Hirahara [1]
9Shinichiro Kubota [6]
10Masato Masuya [6]
11Ikuya Murata [3] [7]
12Atsushi Nakamura [3] [7]
13Michio Nakanishi [3] [7]
14Shigeto Okabe [3] [7]
15Takahiro Tagawa [3] [7]
16Tatsumi Takeo [3] [7]
17Kazuo Terashima [5]
18Tetsutaro Uehara [7]
19Tsuneo Yamada [3] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)