
Tsutomu Kawabata

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10EETsutomu Kawabata: A Capacity Formula for Multi-Input Erasure Channel. IEICE Transactions 90-A(9): 1881-1884 (2007)
9EETsutomu Kawabata: A Post-Processing for the Enumerative Code Implementation of Ziv-Lempel Incremental Parsing. IEICE Transactions 90-B(11): 3263-3265 (2007)
8EEMohammad M. Rashid, Tsutomu Kawabata: Analysis of Zero-Redundancy Estimator with a Finite Window for Markovian Source. IEICE Transactions 88-A(10): 2819-2825 (2005)
7 Tsutomu Kawabata, Amir Dembo: The rate-distortion dimension of sets and measures. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(5): 1564-1572 (1994)
6 Tsutomu Kawabata: Uniform switching system by families of switching sets. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(2): 479-490 (1993)
5 Tsutomu Kawabata: Exact analysis of the Lempel-Ziv algorithm for i.i.d. sources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(2): 698- (1993)
4EEHaruhisa Takahashi, Etsuji Tomita, Tsutomu Kawabata: Separability of internal representations in multilayer perceptrons with application to learning. Neural Networks 6(5): 689-703 (1993)
3 Jaidev Kaniyil, Jun Takei, Shigeru Shimamoto, Yoshikuni Onozato, Tomonori Usui, Ikuo Oka, Tsutomu Kawabata: A Global Message Network Employing Low Earth-Orbiting Satellites. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10(2): 418-427 (1992)
2 Tsutomu Kawabata, Raymond W. Yeung: The structure of the I-measure of a Markov chain. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(3): 1146- (1992)
1 Tsutomu Kawabata, Hirosuke Yamamoto: A new implementation of the Ziv-Lempel incremental parsing algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(5): 1439- (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Amir Dembo [7]
2Jaidev Kaniyil [3]
3Ikuo Oka [3]
4Yoshikuni Onozato [3]
5Mohammad M. Rashid [8]
6Shigeru Shimamoto [3]
7Haruhisa Takahashi [4]
8Jun Takei [3]
9Etsuji Tomita [4]
10Tomonori Usui [3]
11Hirosuke Yamamoto [1]
12Raymond W. Yeung [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)