
Long Xie

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4EEXiaoguang Li, Long Xie, Baoyan Song, Ge Yu, Daling Wang: Pseudo Period Detection on Time Series Stream with Scale Smoothing. APWeb/WAIM 2009: 611-616
3EEQian Tian, Long Xie, Noriyoshi Yamauchi: An Activity Monitor Design Based on Wavelet Analysis and Wireless Sensor Networks. JACIII 11(3): 261-267 (2007)
2EEZhangcai Huang, Yasuaki Inoue, Quan Zhang, Yuehu Zhou, Long Xie, Harutoshi Ogai: Behavioral macromodeling of analog LSI implementation for automobile intake system. ISCAS 2006
1EELong Xie, Qian Tian, Harutoshi Ogai: Virtual vehicle system development and its application for ABS design based on distributed network. IJCAT 25(4): 209-217 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Zhangcai Huang [2]
2Yasuaki Inoue [2]
3Xiaoguang Li [4]
4Harutoshi Ogai [1] [2]
5Baoyan Song [4]
6Qian Tian [1] [3]
7Daling Wang [4]
8Noriyoshi Yamauchi [3]
9Ge Yu [4]
10Quan Zhang [2]
11Yuehu Zhou [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)