
Daling Wang

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25EEShi Feng, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Chao Yang, Nan Yang: Sentiment Clustering: A Novel Method to Explore in the Blogosphere. APWeb/WAIM 2009: 332-344
24EEXiaoguang Li, Long Xie, Baoyan Song, Ge Yu, Daling Wang: Pseudo Period Detection on Time Series Stream with Scale Smoothing. APWeb/WAIM 2009: 611-616
23EEShi Feng, Yan Liu, Daling Wang, Derong Shen: A Novel and Effective Method for Web System Tuning Based on Feature Selection. APWeb 2008: 537-547
22EEYubin Bao, Jie Song, Daling Wang, Derong Shen, Ge Yu: A Role and Context Based Access Control Model with UML. ICYCS 2008: 1175-1180
21EEDongling Chen, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Fang Yu: A PLSA-Based Approach for Building User Profile and Implementing Personalized Recommendation. APWeb/WAIM 2007: 606-613
20EEJie Song, Daling Wang, Yubin Bao, Ge Yu, Wen Qi: Mining Purpose-Based Authorization Strategies in Database System. APWeb/WAIM Workshops 2007: 86-98
19EEFangling Leng, Yubin Bao, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: A Clustered Dwarf Structure to Speed Up Queries on Data Cubes. DaWaK 2007: 170-180
18EEYifei Zhang, Shuang Wu, Ge Yu, Daling Wang: A Hybrid Image Segmentation Approach Using Watershed Transform and FCM. FSKD (4) 2007: 2-6
17EEJie Song, Tiezheng Nie, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: An Effective Web Page Layout Adaptation for Various Resolutions. APWeb 2006: 779-785
16EEFangling Leng, Yubin Bao, Ge Yu, Daling Wang, Yuntao Liu: An Efficient Indexing Technique for Computing High Dimensional Data Cubes. WAIM 2006: 557-568
15EEJie Song, Ge Yu, Daling Wang, Tiezheng Nie: Offline Web Client: Approach, Design and Implementation Based on Web System. WISE 2006: 308-314
14EEXiaoguang Li, Ge Yu, Daling Wang, Baoyan Song: Evaluating Interconnection Relationship for Path-Based XML Retrieval. WISE 2006: 506-511
13EEShi Feng, Jie Song, Xuhui Bai, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: A Web-Based Transformation System for Massive Scientific Data. WISE Workshops 2006: 104-114
12EEGe Yu, Xiaoguang Li, Yubin Bao, Daling Wang: Evaluating Document-to-Document Relevance Based on Document Language Model: Modeling, Implementation and Performance Evaluation. CICLing 2005: 593-603
11EEXiaoguang Li, Ge Yu, Daling Wang, Yubin Bao: ESPClust: An Effective Skew Prevention Method for Model-Based Document Clustering. CICLing 2005: 735-745
10EEXiaoguang Li, Ge Yu, Daling Wang: MMPClust: A Skew Prevention Algorithm for Model-Based Document Clustering. DASFAA 2005: 536-547
9EEHuanliang Sun, Ge Yu, Yubin Bao, Faxin Zhao, Daling Wang: CDS-Tree: An Effective Index for Clustering Arbitrary Shapes in Data Streams. RIDE 2005: 81-88
8EEXiaoguang Li, Jian Gong, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: An Effective and Efficient Approach for Keyword-Based XML Retrieval. WAIM 2005: 56-67
7EEDaling Wang, Ge Yu, Yubin Bao, Meng Zhang: An Optimized K-Means Algorithm of Reducing Cluster Intra-dissimilarity for Document Clustering. WAIM 2005: 785-790
6EEDaling Wang, Ge Yu, Minghan Hu, Yubin Bao, Meng Zhang: Building A Document Class Hierarchy for Obtaining More Proper Bibliographies from Web. WIRI 2005: 214-219
5EEHuanliang Sun, Yubin Bao, Faxin Zhao, Ge Yu, Daling Wang: CD-Trees: An Efficient Index Structure for Outlier Detection. WAIM 2004: 600-609
4EEYubin Bao, Ge Yu, Huanliang Sun, Daling Wang: Performance Optimization of Fractal Dimension Based Feature Selection Algorithm. WAIM 2004: 739-744
3EEDaling Wang, Yubin Bao, Ge Yu, Guoren Wang: Using Page Classification and Association Rule Mining for Personalized Recommendation in Distance Learning. ICWL 2002: 363-376
2EEDaling Wang, Yubin Bao, Xiao Ji, Guoren Wang, Baoyan Song: An Integrated Classification Rule Management System for Data Mining. WAIM 2001: 122-132
1EELina Wang, Ge Yu, Guoren Wang, Xiaochun Yang, Dan Wang, Xiaomei Dong, Daling Wang, Zhe Mei: A Virtual Private Network for Virtual Enterprise Information Systems. Web-Age Information Management 2000: 165-176

Coauthor Index

1Xuhui Bai [13]
2Yubin Bao [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11] [12] [16] [19] [20] [22]
3Dongling Chen [21]
4Xiaomei Dong [1]
5Shi Feng [13] [23] [25]
6Jian Gong [8]
7Minghan Hu [6]
8Xiao Ji [2]
9Fangling Leng [16] [19]
10Xiaoguang Li [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [24]
11Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [23]
12Yuntao Liu [16]
13Zhe Mei [1]
14Tiezheng Nie [15] [17]
15Wen Qi [20]
16Derong Shen [22] [23]
17Baoyan Song [2] [14] [24]
18Jie Song [13] [15] [17] [20] [22]
19Huanliang Sun [4] [5] [9]
20Dan Wang [1]
21Guoren Wang [1] [2] [3]
22Lina Wang [1]
23Shuang Wu [18]
24Long Xie [24]
25Chao Yang [25]
26Nan Yang [25]
27Xiaochun Yang [1]
28Fang Yu [21]
29Ge Yu [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24] [25]
30Meng Zhang [6] [7]
31Yifei Zhang [18]
32Faxin Zhao [5] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)