
Michael Wurst

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20EEMichael Wurst: Multi-agent Learning by Distributed Feature Extraction. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems 2007: 239-254
19 Andreas Kaspari, Michael Wurst: Multi-objective Frequent Termset Clustering. LWA 2007: 133-140
18EEKatharina Morik, Michael Wurst: Multi-Aspect Tagging for Collaborative Structuring. Parallel Universes and Local Patterns 2007
17EEMichael Wurst, Katharina Morik: Distributed feature extraction in a p2p setting - a case study. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23(1): 69-75 (2007)
16EEMichael Wurst, Katharina Morik, Ingo Mierswa: Localized Alternative Cluster Ensembles for Collaborative Structuring. ECML 2006: 485-496
15EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst: Information preserving multi-objective feature selection for unsupervised learning. GECCO 2006: 1545-1552
14EESascha Hennig, Michael Wurst: Incremental Clustering of Newsgroup Articles. IEA/AIE 2006: 332-341
13EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst, Ralf Klinkenberg, Martin Scholz, Timm Euler: YALE: rapid prototyping for complex data mining tasks. KDD 2006: 935-940
12EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst: Sound Multi-objective Feature Space Transformation for Clustering. LWA 2006: 330-337
11EEMichael Wurst, Martin Scholz: Distributed Subgroup Mining. PKDD 2006: 421-433
10EEOliver Flasch, Andreas Kaspari, Katharina Morik, Michael Wurst: Aspect-Based Tagging for Collaborative Media Organization. WebMine 2006: 122-141
9EEMichael Wurst: Analysis and evaluation of distributed knowledge management by agent-based simulation. KES Journal 10(4): 307-317 (2006)
8EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst: Efficient Case Based Feature Construction. ECML 2005: 641-648
7EEHelge Homburg, Ingo Mierswa, Bülent Möller, Katharina Morik, Michael Wurst: A Benchmark Dataset for Audio Classification and Clustering. ISMIR 2005: 528-531
6EEJasminko Novak, Michael Wurst: Collaborative Knowledge Visualization for Cross-Community Learning. Knowledge and Information Visualization 2005: 95-116
5EEJasminko Novak, Michael Wurst: Supporting Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Communities Based on Mapping Implicit Knowledge. J. UCS 10(3): 235-251 (2004)
4EEJasminko Novak, Michael Wurst, Monika Fleischmann, Wolfgang Strauss: Discovering, Visualizing, and Sharing Knowledge through Personalized Learning Knowledge Maps. AMKM 2003: 213-228
3EEJoão José Vasco Furtado, Ira J. Haimowitz, Michael Wurst: Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management. AMKM 2003: 339-350
2EEJasminko Novak, Monika Fleischmann, Wolfgang Strauss, Michael Wurst, Katharina Morik, Christoph Kunz, Jürgen Ziegler: Verbindung heterogener Experten-Communities durch die Entdeckung, Visualisierung und Nutzbarmachung von stillem Wissen -- das AWAKE Projekt. Mensch & Computer 2003
1EEJasminko Novak, Christoph Kunz, Michael Wurst: Entdeckung und Nutzbarmachung von stillem Wissen in heterogenen Expertengemeinschaften - das Projekt AWAKE. i-com 3(3): 18-26 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Timm Euler [13]
2Oliver Flasch [10]
3Monika Fleischmann [2] [4]
4João José Vasco Furtado [3]
5Ira J. Haimowitz [3]
6Sascha Hennig [14]
7Helge Homburg [7]
8Andreas Kaspari [10] [19]
9Ralf Klinkenberg [13]
10Christoph Kunz [1] [2]
11Ingo Mierswa [7] [8] [12] [13] [15] [16]
12Bülent Möller [7]
13Katharina Morik [2] [7] [10] [16] [17] [18]
14Jasminko Novak [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
15Martin Scholz [11] [13]
16Wolfgang Strauss [2] [4]
17Jürgen Ziegler [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)