
Ingo Mierswa

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17EEChristian Bockermann, Ingo Mierswa, Katharina Morik: On the Automated Creation of Understandable Positive Security Models for Web Applications. PerCom 2008: 554-559
16EEIngo Mierswa: Controlling overfitting with multi-objective support vector machines. GECCO 2007: 1830-1837
15 Alexander Hinneburg, Ralf Klinkenberg, Ingo Mierswa, Stefan Posch, Steffen Neumann: Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning and Workshop on Bioinformatics. LWA 2007: 12
14 Ingo Mierswa: Regularization through Multi-Objective Optimization. LWA 2007: 94-101
13EEMichael Wurst, Katharina Morik, Ingo Mierswa: Localized Alternative Cluster Ensembles for Collaborative Structuring. ECML 2006: 485-496
12EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst: Information preserving multi-objective feature selection for unsupervised learning. GECCO 2006: 1545-1552
11EEIngo Mierswa: Evolutionary learning with kernels: a generic solution for large margin problems. GECCO 2006: 1553-1560
10EEFabian Mörchen, Ingo Mierswa, Alfred Ultsch: Understandable models Of music collections based on exhaustive feature generation with temporal statistics. KDD 2006: 882-891
9EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst, Ralf Klinkenberg, Martin Scholz, Timm Euler: YALE: rapid prototyping for complex data mining tasks. KDD 2006: 935-940
8EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst: Sound Multi-objective Feature Space Transformation for Clustering. LWA 2006: 330-337
7EEIngo Mierswa, Michael Wurst: Efficient Case Based Feature Construction. ECML 2005: 641-648
6EEIngo Mierswa: Incorporating fuzzy knowledge into fitness: multiobjective evolutionary 3D design of process plants. GECCO 2005: 1985-1992
5EEIngo Mierswa, Katharina Morik: Method trees: building blocks for self-organizable representations of value series: how to evolve representations for classifying audio data. GECCO Workshops 2005: 293-300
4EEHelge Homburg, Ingo Mierswa, Bülent Möller, Katharina Morik, Michael Wurst: A Benchmark Dataset for Audio Classification and Clustering. ISMIR 2005: 528-531
3EEIngo Mierswa, Katharina Morik: Merkmalsextraktion aus Audiodaten Evolutionäre Aufzucht von Methodenbäumen. Informatik Spektrum 28(5): 381-388 (2005)
2EEIngo Mierswa, Katharina Morik: Automatic Feature Extraction for Classifying Audio Data. Machine Learning 58(2-3): 127-149 (2005)
1 Ingo Mierswa: Automatic Feature Extraction from Large Time Series. LWA 2004: 187-192

Coauthor Index

1Christian Bockermann [17]
2Timm Euler [9]
3Alexander Hinneburg [15]
4Helge Homburg [4]
5Ralf Klinkenberg [9] [15]
6Bülent Möller [4]
7Fabian Mörchen [10]
8Katharina Morik [2] [3] [4] [5] [13] [17]
9Steffen Neumann [15]
10Stefan Posch [15]
11Martin Scholz [9]
12Alfred Ultsch [10]
13Michael Wurst [4] [7] [8] [9] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)