
Xiaohong Wu

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7EEHan Zhu, Yonggen Gu, Xiaohong Wu: An Open Approach for the Applied Pi Calculus. JSW 3(9): 44-51 (2008)
6EEXiaohong Wu, Sylviane Cardey, Peter Greenfield: Some Problems of Prepositional Phrases in Machine Translation. FinTAL 2006: 593-603
5EEJianping Liu, Bangyan Ye, Xiaohong Wu, Miaoan Ouyang: Study on 3D Solid Reconstruction From 2D Views Based on Intelligent Uunderstanding of Mechanical Engineering Drawings. PROLAMAT 2006: 704-709
4EEJiuzhen Liang, Xiaohong Wu: Worm Harm Prediction Based on Segment Procedure Neural Networks. RSKT 2006: 383-388
3EEJiuzhen Liang, Xiaohong Wu: Segment procedure neural networks. GrC 2005: 526-529
2EESylviane Cardey, Peter Greenfield, Xiaohong Wu: Designing a Controlled Language for the Machine Translation of Medical Protocols: The Case of English to Chinese. AMTA 2004: 37-47
1EEXiaohong Wu: Extraneous multipliers of cyclic difference sets. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 42(2): 259-269 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Sylviane Cardey [2] [6]
2Peter Greenfield [2] [6]
3Yonggen Gu [7]
4Jiuzhen Liang [3] [4]
5Jianping Liu [5]
6Miaoan Ouyang [5]
7Bangyan Ye [5]
8Han Zhu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)