
John Simmons

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2 Jane Burridge, Brian M. Collins, B. Neil Galton, Alan R. Halbert, Thomas R. Heywood, William H. Latham, Robert W. Phippen, Peter Quarendon, Paul Reilly, M. William Ricketts, John Simmons, Stephen Todd, Andrew G. N. Walter, John R. Woodwark: The WINSOM Solid Modeller and its Application to Data Visualization. IBM Systems Journal 28(4): 548-568 (1989)
1 Paolo Franchi, Jorge Gonzales, Patrick E. Mantey, Carlo Paoli, Albertao Parolo, John Simmons: Design Issues and Architecture of HACIENDA, an Experimental Image Processing System. IBM Journal of Research and Development 27(2): 116-126 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Jane Burridge [2]
2Brian M. Collins [2]
3Paolo Franchi [1]
4B. Neil Galton [2]
5Jorge Gonzales [1]
6Alan R. Halbert [2]
7Thomas R. Heywood [2]
8William H. Latham [2]
9Patrick E. Mantey [1]
10Carlo Paoli [1]
11Albertao Parolo [1]
12Robert W. Phippen [2]
13Peter Quarendon [2]
14Paul Reilly [2]
15M. William Ricketts [2]
16Stephen Todd [2]
17Andrew G. N. Walter [2]
18John R. Woodwark [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)