
Zongwei Luo

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27EETianle Zhang, Zongwei Luo, Feng Zhou, Xudong Yang: Developing a Trusted System for Tracking Asset on the Move. ICYCS 2008: 2008-2013
26EETianle Zhang, Zongwei Luo, Edward C. Wong, C. J. Tan, Feng Zhou: Mobile Intelligence for Delay Tolerant Logistics and Supply Chain Management. SUTC 2008: 280-284
25EEZongwei Luo, Zhining Tan, Zhicheng Ni, Benjamin Yen: Analysis of RFID Adoption in China. ICEBE 2007: 315-318
24EEJiahao Wang, Zongwei Luo, Edward C. Wong, C. J. Tan: RFID Assisted Object Tracking for Automating Manufacturing Assembly Lines. ICEBE 2007: 48-53
23EEZongwei Luo, Jenny S. Li, Edward Wong: SOA-Trust: Towards Developing Trustworthy RFID Enabled Intelligent Service Solutions. ICEBE 2007: 751-754
22EEMinhong Wang, William K. Cheung, Jiming Liu, Xiao-Feng Xie, Zongwei Luo: E-Service/Process Composition Through Multi-agent Constraint Management. Business Process Management 2006: 274-289
21EEMinhong Wang, William K. Cheung, Jiming Liu, Zongwei Luo: Agent-Supported Web Service Composition for Supply Chain Management. CEC/EEE 2006: 43
20EEZongwei Luo, Yulian Fei, Junyuan Liang: On Demand E-Learning with Service Grid Technologies. Edutainment 2006: 60-69
19EESong Wu, Hai Jin, Kang He, Zongwei Luo: A Data Transfer Scheme of Grid Workflow Based on Weighted Directed Graph. GCC Workshops 2006: 491-495
18EEHon Ng, Wilton Fok, Edward Wong, Zongwei Luo: Quality Management using RFID and Third Generation Mobile Communications Systems. ICEBE 2006: 504-510
17EEZongwei Luo, Terry Chan, Jenny S. Li, Edward Wong, William Cheung, Victor Ng, Wilton Fok: Experimental Analysis of an RFID Security Protocol. ICEBE 2006: 62-70
16EEWilliam K. Cheung, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ho-Fai Wong, Jiming Liu, Zongwei Luo, Frank C. H. Tong: Service-Oriented Distributed Data Mining. IEEE Internet Computing 10(4): 44-54 (2006)
15EEYang Gao, Zongwei Luo, Ning Li: Mapping Web Usage Patterns to MDP Model and Mining with Reinforcement Learning. FSKD (2) 2005: 698-702
14EEZongwei Luo, Terry Chan, Jenny S. Li: A Lightweight Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID Networks. ICEBE 2005: 620-625
13EEZongwei Luo, Jenny S. Li: A Web Services Provisioning Optimization Model in a Web Services Community. ICEBE 2005: 689-696
12EEDongjun Cai, Zongwei Luo, Kun Qian, Yang Gao: Towards Efficient Selection of Web Services with Reinforcement Learning Process. ICTAI 2005: 372-376
11EEZongwei Luo, Jenny S. Li: A Web Serivces Community Model for Services Fulfillment. IEEE SCC 2005: 245-248
10EEFeilong Tang, Minglu Li, Joshua Zhexue Huang, Cho-Li Wang, Zongwei Luo: Petri-Net-Based Coordination Algorithms for Grid Transactions. ISPA 2004: 499-508
9EEYang Gao, Hongqiang Rong, Frank Tong, Zongwei Luo, Joshua Zhexue Huang: Adaptive Job Scheduling for a Service Grid Using a Genetic Algorithm. GCC (2) 2003: 65-72
8 Zongwei Luo: A Gateway for Grid Services Access. ICWS 2003: 353-358
7EEJieyue He, Hongqiang Rong, Zongwei Luo, Joshua Zhexue Huang, Frank Tong: Uni-Grid P&T: A Toolkit for Building Customizable Grid Portals. ICWS-Europe 2003: 198-212
6EEZongwei Luo, Amit P. Sheth, Krys Kochut, Ismailcem Budak Arpinar: Exception Handling for Conflict Resolution in Cross-Organizational Workflows. Distributed and Parallel Databases 13(3): 271-306 (2003)
5 Zongwei Luo, Raja Das, Kumar Bhaskaran, Santhosh Kumaran, John Y. Sayah: Web Services Gateway: The Building Block for Business Connections and Dynamic e-Business. International Conference on Internet Computing 2002: 779-785
4 Shengli Wu, Amit P. Sheth, John A. Miller, Zongwei Luo: Authorization and Access Control of Application Data in Workflow Systems. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 18(1): 71-94 (2002)
3EETe-Kai Liu, Santhosh Kumaran, Zongwei Luo: Layered Queueing Models for Enterprise JavaBean Applications. EDOC 2001: 174-178
2EEZongwei Luo: Checkpointing for workflow recovery. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2000: 79-80
1 Zongwei Luo, Amit P. Sheth, Krys Kochut, John A. Miller: Exception Handling in Workflow Systems. Appl. Intell. 13(2): 125-147 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Ismailcem Budak Arpinar [6]
2Kumar Bhaskaran [5]
3Dongjun Cai [12]
4Terry Chan [14] [17]
5William Cheung [17]
6William Kwok-Wai Cheung (Kwok-Wai Cheung, William K. Cheung) [16] [21] [22]
7Raja Das [5]
8Yulian Fei [20]
9Wilton Fok [17] [18]
10Yang Gao [9] [12] [15]
11Jieyue He [7]
12Kang He [19]
13Joshua Zhexue Huang (Zhexue Huang) [7] [9] [10]
14Hai Jin [19]
15Krys Kochut [1] [6]
16Santhosh Kumaran [3] [5]
17Jenny S. Li [11] [13] [14] [17] [23]
18Minglu Li [10]
19Ning Li [15]
20Junyuan Liang [20]
21Jiming Liu [16] [21] [22]
22Te-Kai Liu [3]
23John A. Miller [1] [4]
24Hon Ng [18]
25Victor Ng [17]
26Zhicheng Ni [25]
27Kun Qian [12]
28Hongqiang Rong [7] [9]
29John Y. Sayah [5]
30Amit P. Sheth [1] [4] [6]
31C. J. Tan [24] [26]
32Zhining Tan [25]
33Feilong Tang [10]
34Frank Tong [7] [9]
35Frank C. H. Tong [16]
36Cho-Li Wang [10]
37Jiahao Wang [24]
38Minhong Wang [21] [22]
39Edward Wong [17] [18] [23]
40Edward C. Wong [24] [26]
41Ho-Fai Wong [16]
42Shengli Wu [4]
43Song Wu [19]
44Xiao-Feng Xie [22]
45Xudong Yang [27]
46Benjamin Yen [25]
47Tianle Zhang [26] [27]
48Xiaofeng Zhang [16]
49Feng Zhou [26] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)